It Turns Out The Summons Against Kpn-Orange Was A Hoax

21 min readJul 17, 2021


For Mr. Xavier Pichon, Chief Executive Officer of Orange Belgium

I have the honor to refer to my files on my experiences at KPN-Orange titled “La concurrence attaque par la justice” dated May 21, 2016, “They Hired Me Out of Deloitte, Only to Sack Me at KPN-O” dated March 31, 2018, and “If I Didn’t Have a Religion, the Orange Values Would Be My Bible” dated May 30, 2018.

In these dossiers, I report on stumbling upon the invisible hand of the mafia that failed me in my higher education, who legally prosecuted me in 1990 crimes they themselves commit such as the fake visa scam, who fired me at KPN-Orange in 2001, who evicted me from my home in 2014, and who colonized my grandfather’s farmland in Kenitra in 1971. This mafia is called “The Gang of Brabant Killers ”. They were represented at KPN-Orange mobile telecommunications company by Mr Alfons Nuyts, the manager who sacked me.

What do they expect? That people are not going to hit back, some day?

The KPN-Orange Case: I was hired out, just to be fired + the violent attempt to take over a new mobile company by the local incumbent in Belgium

Ever since 2001, when I filed a lawsuit with the Brussels Labor Tribunal against KPN-Orange for moral and sexual harassment by Mr Alfons Nuyts, I have been collecting incriminating evidence against this man, who unjustly fired me, given my experience that the Belgian Justice and the lawyers will never do it.

From working with him, I figured out that he was from a different branch of human species which in Islamic terms is called “Ibn Israel” and which in Europe is referred to as the Enemy. Mr Alfons Nuyts talks like the Enemy, he looks like the Enemy, he smells like the Enemy, he eats like the Enemy, and he will respond like the Enemy to this publication about him too.

Between October 1999 and March 2001, I was a planning and reporting analyst at KPN-Orange. I kept track of unusual situations that I brought to the attention of the shareholders. I was driven by the conviction that all these situations of important financial loss were brought about by the Enemy who I recognized in the entire physical and psychological being of Alfions Nuyts.

Mr Alfons Nuyts was someone who was unable to finish a sentence, whether spoken or written, without making a mistake or bungling or stuttering, or even crashing totally, to the point that you begin to wonder if he went to school one day or not at all, but he wanted to be the CEO of KPN-Orange by doing everything to push the CEO in office off the chair.

The CEO at the time (in 1999–2000) was Mr Jean-Claude Vandenbosch, he was a french-speaking person and that was the only element which Alfons Nuyts was using to build a clan around him of people to help him destroy the CEO’s reputation.

One of the strategies to push Mr Jean-Claude Vandenbosch out of the door was to have a bailiff send a summons to pay overdue rent for the landlines whose total brought the company to its knees. In February or March 2000 KPN-Orange was presented a bill to pay between 300 and 360 million Belgian francs (approximately 10,538,966.16 US Dollars) in 72 hours. The bill concerned late payment in favor of the landline provider Belgacom.

Possibly KPN-Orange would have paid the “due” amount into the account of the bailiff involved who may have drafted the summons. That would be Mr Dirk Duflou. You will find one of his accounts on this correspondence which concerns fines related to taxes which he directed to me. This bank account is at the KBC bank of which the IBAN number is BE19–4348–1867–1112. The fine which was imposed on KPN-Orange may have been paid to this bank account number.

Dirk Duflou reportedly also forges US dollar bills which he tries to bring into circulation through regular bankers. Dirk Duflou is the Court Bailiff who organized the eviction from my home at the end 2014. He has been ripping me off for many years with fake bills.

I explained the financial rip off by Court Bailiff Duflou to Daniel Renson, when he was working as a financial consultant at Progrès-Vooruitgang, an association in Saint Josse (Brussels) for migrant entrepreneurship and integration, to whom I took this peculiar tax bill, which appeared 3 years after I stopped working. I was considering a delay for payment, and Daniel Renson recommended that I pay the full amount and he was so kind as to give me the money to do that.

Through that conversation with Daniel Renson I found out that Bailiff Dirk Duflou was part of the social network of Mr Alfons Nuyts.This is how I figured out that the summons against KPN-Orange was probably a hoax like the tax bills that I was getting from that bailiff.

Without financial research or information about the banking behavior, I was unable to understand what was happening to me and why I have been a target of the Brabant Killers. Things began to change ever since I discovered the secret accounts they keep in foreign countries where they use fake identities.

The secret bank accounts of a mafia in Belgium

That would solve my questions and the questions concerning KPN-Orange which they brought on its knees, and most probably for racist reasons whether it is me or the main shareholder whose name is Mr. Stanley Miller and who is a South African.

Here are the results of the investigation in which certain amounts are still missing for the moment:

Dirk Duflou is said to have redirected the sum to an account in Bahrain at the Gulf One bank which he opened on October 27, 1997, under the name Jacques Templemont from Quebec (Canada), the status of on June 27, 2021 shows that he has 216,733,388 USD (183,578,812 euros).

Another portion went to the Ahli Bank in Al Manama (Bahrain), under the identity Philippe Lempereur from St Malo (France), which he opened on December 11, 1997 and where he currently has 127,903,157 USD (108,337,298 euros).

A portion went to the Attijariwafa Bank in Rabat (Morocco) in an account under the name Jacques Lacroix from Villeurbanne (France), which he created on February 13, 1995, and on which there is currently 98,176,837 euros ( 115,904,842 USD)

Another portion Bailiff Dirk Duflou allegedly took to the Deutsche Bank in Düsseldorf (Germany), under the name of Fritz Wunderlich from Geneva where he allegedly has 86,145,286 euros (101,696,886 USD).

Please learn more about the Deutsche Bank:

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Another portion went to the Crédit Suisse bank in Luzerne where he has an account of 91,928,211 euros (108,522,277 USD) under the name Jean-Claude François from Compiègne (France).

The very largest part he has put in an account in Zurich at the Crédit Suisse bank under the name Jacques Coutron from Paris 15th, which he created on December 10, 1993; it currently holds 253,889,000 euros (299,713,083 USD)

Seen from the banks that were used the largest portions likely went to the Crédit Suisse bank in Switzerland. It is the same bank which the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) also uses and perhaps the power of authority to withdraw funds from this organization’s account might be at the hands of a fake identity, and thus a person who does not exist in reality. It is the pension fund which may concern all the workers in Belgium that I am discussing a little further down.

From the above-mentioned bank accounts Bailiff Duflou allegedly deposited the sums directly into the secret accounts of the other members of the gang:

One third went to the Crédit Suisse Bank in Switzerland

Almost one third of the entire loot would have gone to Lucien Leuwenkroon in an account at the Crédit Suisse in Switzerland under the name Lucien Lendermans of Ixelles that he created on March 16, 1990. At present, the exact status for this account is 83,662,128 euros (98,766,404 USD)

Two thirds went to the Morgan Chase Bank in the USA

The rest (two thirds) were divided among the members of the gang, through Attorney Inès Wouters, for whom the amount was transferred to a U.S. account at the Morgan Chase in Washington DC under the false name of Jennifer Quintones from Mexico City (Mexico) , which she has since May 5, 1999. She currently has 129,771,928 USD on the account.

The two thirds were presumably divided further as follows:

An amount that would correspond to 15% of the entire loot went into various secret bank accounts of Mr. Peter Rombouts in the United States, an overview of which can be found on this table:

Secret Accounts of Peter Rombouts

The Deutsche Bank

Professor Roland Willemyns was there, as in all heavy operations that must affect me professionally, with the conviction that I would never find out, but a complaint is still pending against KPN-Orange for the wrongful dismissal that Alfons Nuyts had carried out, possibly on instruction of Professor Roland Willemyns. Professor Roland Willemyns opened an account at Deutsche Bank in Hamburg on January 2, 2000 under the name of Lucien Löwenfeld from Eilat, Israel, to receive his share. He currently has 100,620,834 euros (118,786,818 USD) on that account.

Lucien Leuwenkroon placed a portion in an account at Deutsche Bank in Hamburg under the name Daniel Willemyn on April 17, 1999, and under the same name he opened an account on January 2, 2000, at Deutsche Bank in Berlin.

The Crédit Suisse Bank

Her highness Jacqueline de Croÿ allegedly received her portion under the false name of Josephine Beaujour from Guingamp (France) in a bank account at the Crédit Suisse in Zurich (Switzerland), which she opened on April 17, 1988.

The Lloyds Bank

The rest of the gang premeditatedly used the Lloyds bank in London to receive an additional chunk:

Joseph Gheysens also received part of the loot and created on Jan 6, 2000 an account at Lloyds Bank in London under the name William Hughes, who would be born in Liverpool.

Also on Jan 6, 2000, Jacqueline de Croy opened an account at that same Lloyds bank in London under the name Jacqueline Wilson of Manchester.

Daniel Renson joined the Lloyds bank in London 2 days before, on January 4, 2000 also under the name Joseph Pumpkin from Winchester.

Alfons Nuyts, who played the most important role inside the target company which is KPN-Orange, which he was destroying every day a little bit more, and which was facing bankruptcy because of an expensive fine in the Belgacom versus KPN-Orange law case, has been paid his share of the loot into a UK account under the name Tom Wilkins from Chester, at the Lloyds bank in London. He created this account on 6 Jan 2000, a few weeks before Belgacom formally notified KPN-Orange via the Court Bailiff Dirk Duflou. It could be an indication of premeditation on the part of Alfons Nuyts, to open a bank account with the expectation to specifically hide the sums looted at KPN-Orange through the Justice system, because that is what a bailiff stands for.

Thus Alfons Nuyts must be considered a major actor in hitting his employer with heavy fines through his friends in very high positions, and in requiring a pay out of those fines to his account at Lloyds Bank in London, which he is alleged to have opened in advance with that aim in mind.

The insider information was spread to outsiders including the Court Bailiff

Mr Alfons Nuyts possibly provided the insider information to the rest of the Gang of Brabant Killers including Jacqueline de Croÿ, Lucien Leuwenkroon, Joseph Gheysens, Daniel Renson and Dirk Duflou and Attorney Inès Wouters, but also to Mr George De Kock.

That insider information could possibly consist of the weekly and monthly planning and status reports that I prepared for the weekly stakeholder’s meeting in which Mr Alfons Nuyts necessarily wanted to appear and participate. I was not allowed to meet with the managers and the directors of the other departments.

By the way, I was excluded by Alfons Nuyts from all the meetings, which made my work impossible. To get the data, I went directly to the analysts and programmers, that’s how I learned things that are not talked about.

I once inquired with a team leader at customer operations, a department that heavily depended on the billing system of which the owner is the IT department, what “Fons” (nickname for Alfons Nuyts) is telling to the other departments (knowing that he lacks the overall vision and strategy). “Oh, he never spoke one word, he only sits there and watches all the others discussing things, but he does not say anything to the extent that nobody in the company understands what his department exactly does the whole day”, the young lady explained.

She was describing the man who wanted to increase his team from 6 to 20 or 30 people, because he envied the other managers in the IT department who had that many people under them. There was not enough work for so many people.

For a long time I thought that perhaps he only wants to be able to tell everybody that he has 30 people working for him, because that would be his definition of an important man.

Now I think that the reason why he wanted a high number of people working for him are the stock options, which are company shares which an employee receives as part of the salary and benefits package, because something must explain how the gang of Brabant Killers manage to own 1,5 % of Orange Telecom without going through brokers, investment companies or banks.

One proof of this is that Mr Alfons Nuyts fired me for unclear reasons, and I was given stock options by the company after the first or the second month after I jointed KPN-Orange. Alfons Nuyts did not discuss stock options with me during the interview. It was after the first of the second pay that the payroll department sent a letter presenting the srock option.

Getting hold of those stocks fast could be the reason why a manager like Alfons Nuyts wanted to increase the number his team to 30 people and also why he fired me when we were only 5 people. It shows how Alfons Nuyts was probably seeking to grow his personal share in the company by robbing the employee stock options of his team.

If I remember well there was a limited number of stocks to be distributed and these were coupled to the performance appraisal every 3 or 4 months. At that moment, the manager of a team decides depending on his evaluation of your efforts to increase or not to increase the employment benefit pachage such as company car, a fuel card, meal tickets, more stock options. He may choose to increase the number of stock options or not at all, no matter how good or bad the company was doing. That is how stocks were moved around by the manager to cause one employee to own more than another. That is how I think Alfons Nuyts was accumulating stock options for himself.

The reports I wrote contain genuine observations of all the information technology and telecom engineering projects of the company, which includes cost estimates, status of expenditure against progress, the analysis — development — test — delivery and production start and end dates, the names of all the suppliers involved, their service description and the prices, all the human resources and consultants involved in each project, and the dependency of the departments in the rest of the company on the development of the technology projects. If I was fired by Mr Alfons Nuyts, it was because I was unable to present anything else but the truth.

The department which Alfons Nuyts was heading was called IT-PSO (the Information Technology Project Support Office) of which the role was planning and control. He was the manager and thus the first in line of responsibility if something unplanned happens, such as being hit by fines such as the one from Court Bailiff Dirk Duflou..

Planning is one of the most strategic positions in a company in which one holds the strings for pushing forward an entire business as much as for bringing it down. If something fails in the IT department, the whole company will crash. Mr Alfons Nuyts knows this, and he is evil-minded by nature. A proof of this is that Mr Alfons Nuyts is a racist and an admirer of Nazi-Germany and he has a brother working for the World Bank in Africa with the same spirit.

His search for printed information would explain why every morning when I arrived at the office (between 9 AM and 9:15 AM), I found my personal drawers and files pushed and messed up. Poking around in other people’s documents is the reason why Alfons Nuyts arrives at work every day at 6 a.m. He came driving all the way up to Brussels from Geel (North of Antwerp).

Alfons Nuyts received a rich severance package

Alfons Nuyts was fired about 2 years after the summons for KPN-Orange to pay fines “to Belgacom”. His severance pay reportedly consisted of generous gifts such as a big beautiful sailboat, which was his dream to have. He also dreamed of driving a big BMW car like the IT director Mr Albert Timmermans, whom A Alfons Nuyts envied and venerated at the same time. Mr Nuyts left the company with benefits as if he had done a good job for KPN-Orange.

Getting a rich severance package is the reason why Mr Alfons Nuyts joined KNP-Orange in the first place. That’s why Alfons Nuyts targeted the position of CEO , which surprised everyone in the company, because this man lacks the skills to present complexe situations on paper. He also lacks the skills of public speaking. In the position of the CEO, he would be unable to face the press, compared to Mr Jean-Claude Vandenbosch and Mr Stanley Miller (who started-up the company), who are people with charisma, style and eloquence.

Mr. Nuyts did not express any interest in working on himself to acquire those skills. People like him make that a company is not a stimulating environment for personal growth or development, and that staying at home is much a better idea. He is someone who holds the belief that one needs to know nothing, that everything is taken care of with connections, influence, and likely the bedroom too. He would compensate for lack of skills by employing competent people to do those things for him. He only wants to be the boss.

He sought to do that by snatching the reports I produced, wiping out my name and putting his name on top of them. He was counting on my slavery, and this is very likely what he is used to. This is how he worked his way up the ladder fraudulently, and he is not the first employee of a company in Belgium that I have seen doing this

I did not understand much of Mr Nuyts ambitions to climb the ladder as fast as possible until I discovered the Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Geneva to which the pensions of all the workers of Belgium apparently go. This pension fund seems to be the property of the Brabant Killers, a gang to whom Alfons Nuyts may belong, and his severance package may come rom the pensions of everyone in Belgium.

He should be prosecuted for the enslavement of all the Belgian people

I knew that Alfons Nuyts was being helped to appear better than he is at work, but I didn’t know by whom, until I fell upon a bank account at Lloyds Bank in London in the name of George Hamilton of Blackpool who also received some of the loot. He, like all the others, would have opened an account on January 5, 2000.

George Hamilton turns out to be Mr George Dekock, a weapon designer at FN/Browning. Perhaps he is the one who Mr Alfons Nuyts was relying on for technical understanding in IT and telecommunications. I have seen Mr Alfons Nuyts sneaking out very huge packs of reports, quotes from suppliers and many other documents with him every Friday “to work at home”. “To show that to others who help him understand how to maneuver all and everything” is the right reason.

The other person whom Alfons Nuyts would turn to for understanding all about telecommunication from a business standpoint and from a technical view is Stephan Van Collem who wants to associate with the high tech industry, but he is an assassin who beheaded people in Algeria and burt people alive in Afghanistan.

How I found out about the hoax?

Through Ina Valstar who at that time (between 1999 and 2001) knew that I was employed at KPN-Orange, but she knew nothing of this financial feast. Years later, she found out through one of the Brabant Killers who thought that she also received her share of the cake. I do not know who told her that they wanted to hit me with a legal case whilst in my role of a planning analyst with KPN-Orange. Together with others like Bernard Crepin, who was my colleague and most loyal to Alfons Nuyts, she got nothing, and that was not very clever, but that is how the story was leaked.

In addition to this, I have the inside information which Mr Alfonse Nuyts does not have, which is that he belongs to the group which is referred to as the Enemy. A typical trait of the Enemy is to destroy anything that is good, friendly, peaceful and wholesome. The Orange brand was just too good, and so was I with the rest of the staff in the entire company.

That is how I found out that the so-called “Belgacom arrears” was probably a hoax by Alfons Nuyts and others who he was meeting outside the company, who must have the same genetic make-up like him, and who survive by looting people, businesses, banks and countries.

The Brabant Killers gang, which includes Mr Alfons Nuyts, are the children and the grandchildren of the same “Enemy” who is at the root of World Wars I and II, and all the wars in the world. Through the World Bank, the Red Cross and the WHO, they can follow and touch us anytime, anywhere. They are “The Rulers of the Financial System”.

They would have too much work to do if they had to follow everybody everywhere by themselves. That is why they outsource to others the dirty work for them with the contributions of all the countries of the world. This is how the World Bank engages in wars with money for economic cooperation and reconstruction.

The Holy Koran mentions that Satan (another word for Enemy) also destroys the banks. I saw Jacqueline de Croÿ do just that on March 19, 2019 with a criminal complaint against the KBC bank in the context of Russian state bonds that she claims the bank falsified in 1994, for which she is seeking damages of USD 21 billion and 530 tons of gold.

HE Sergey Lavrov: Did Russia lose Tons of Gold?

My name is mentioned in that criminal complaint in a section on the fake visa affair in which Jacqueline listed me as a victim of the scam. I had the chance to read the criminal complaint against the KBC bank in the context of Russian state bonds, but I obviously did not get a copy.

Still, I found it peculiar that Jacqueline de Croÿ wanted to involve me in such a thing, because I was not interested in a complaint against a bank I never had business with. She could succeed in bringing down the bank by involving a mass of people in this, who would be interested in a small piece of that 21 billion USD. I am not one of them.

So, why the KBC, and why me?

That fine between 300 and 360 million Bef against KPN-Orange in 2000 is in my opinion the reason why a law case against the KBC bank in the context of Russian state bonds was started with the help of her highness princess Jacqueline de Croÿ, who decided to take over the KBC bank to hide evidence and to obstruct judicial investigations. Further above, I explained that the bank account on which KPN-Orange had to pay the fine is an account with the KBC bank whose IBAN number is BE19–4348–1867–1112. The evidence is the bank account number of bailiff Dirk Duflou to which KPN paid around 600 million Bef.

A comparison of similar operations by the same gang

The 9/11 attacks in New York was a terrorist attack that could be related to issues with the banks rather than religion. It follows the same spirit of erasing the evidence of fraud, this time against the Lehman Brothers bank in New York and perhaps also against KPN-Orange, because 81 Secret Accounts Created in September 2001. It could include the money from the penalty payments to Court Bailiff Dirk Duflou.

81 Secret Accounts Created in September 2001 for a Current Total of 6.10 billion USD or 7.18 billion Euro

The Lehman Brothers bank headquarters is located in one of the Twin Towers and the 9/11 attack comes about 3 years after a hotel development company called European Hotel Ventures Belgium (NH Belgium) obtained loans from the Lehman Brothers bank. With those loans, they probably developed the NH Hotel Group without paying a penny back.

The collapse of the Lehman Brothers bank in 2008 is an additional crash resulting from the subprime mortgage crisis, which could be just part of that bigger plan to erase the fact that this bank was looted by the same individuals who looted KPN-Orange.

The subprime mortgage crisis comes after the tsunami of end 2003 in southeast Asia and Hurricane Katrina in 2005 in Louisiana, which destroyed many homes. The tsunami and hurricane could be the result of man-made climate change, as evidenced by my discovery in 2019, in part by Her Highness Princess Jacqueline de Croÿ, who gave me the climate systems to make rain and to suck the smog out of the air.

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Part of the fines may have gone to Leemans Kredieten, a credit institution in Antwerp which has no links with the National Bank of Belgium, and which raises capital for loans in a way that has not been specified.

This Might Explain the Subprime Mortgage Collapes in 2008

While KPN-Orange was in financial trouble, new businesses and jobs were created

Some businesses which may have been started or which were expanded with the loot from KPN-Orange are Bakkerij Wouters, Lavazza, Renson Ventilation, Renson Patio’s, Renson Sunscreens, Rituals cosmetics, Anios hand sanitizer. Some stocks may have been boosted, particularly on Nasdaq and NYSE such as Facebook and Google, I assume.

For staying unharmed themselves and their businesses, they began looking to accuse me of causing financial trouble for KPN-Orange and KPN in the Netherlands, just like they succeeded in accusing me in falsification of visas and passports to undocumented Moroccan immigrants. Every time they need a scapegoat, they look for me. This is why I think they need migrants in their country. My answer to the abuse is the Maghrexit.

To stop the looting and the scapegoating there is only one solution, and that is to destroy the World Bank before their eyes, just as they destroy the banks of others, the houses and the families of others before their eyes, with TV, the press the cameras, and thus before a very large audience.

HE President Donald Trump: Do Fake Banks Matter More Than Black Lives? Oh Yeah?

Why destroyi it? Because the Orange values which make this brand so powerful, were probably used for shaping the Millenium Goals and the SDGs (the sustainable development goals), and all the beautiful things which this fake bank is using as a façade for generating income from governments who believe in their lies. They made a lot more money with the Orange values than the brand could generate with mobile phone subscriptions.

Letter to H.E. Volkan Bozkir, UNGA President, on “Writing the SDG’s for the Next 10 Years”

An eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth. It’s in the Bible and it should be part of the Orange values.

If a very big organization like the World Health Organization is obliged to reimburse Belgium for unused subsidies, I think a very big brand like Orange should oblige Court Bailiff Dirk Duflou to reimburse those fines immediately with the same uncompromising manner as he puts the knife to the throat of ordinary workers, the small self-employed and the unemployed with fake invoices.

Please discover the story of the Dimah bakery in Zaventem that Dirk Duflou has struck down through the Commercial Court with fines that are equal to the total value of the bakery itself. The Dimah family paid off the fines. So shall Dirk Duflou.

Should you have questions, or if I can be of service, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your time and attention, dear Mr. Xavier Pichon, Chief Executive Officer of Orange Belgium.

Yours sincerely,





Written by Nahema

I am an enterprise and a project controls analyst. I develop collaborative enterprise systems and I am investment adviser for a group of Oriental Investors.

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