Hate Financing Is Part Of The Fiscal And Economic Fabric

12 min readMay 13, 2020


His Excellency Donald Trump
The President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA

I am referring to my previous article about the “Opportunity to Catch the Financiers of Hatred”, in which I analyzed that hatred is financed through the partnerships with the Red Cross Belgium. An example is the partnership with dental cabinets with dentists receiving funds for destroying the dentition of the immigrants and the refugees.

In this article, I would like to share a comprehensive example of how money for the financing of hatred is raised, based on a research concerning the economic behavior of Mr Jos Delcroix, his wife Paula Donckers, and Her Highness Princess Jacqueline de Croÿ. Jos Delcroix and Paula Donckers are the founders and owners of Deldo Autobanden, a tyre company in Antwerp.

It seems to me that they were getting very rich by indirectly looting the Flemish government funds that are intended for supporting the people of Wallonia, through the Marshall Plans for Wallonia, and by looting the foreign governments such as China with the plans which were intended for building New Morocco, by having the Chinese come and create jobs preferably in Belgium.

Through massive job creation they offer employers to secure the pensions of the workers in Switzerland, for instance, with a fund which is now called “the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies”, and another time it’s called “The Red Cross EU Office”. When a company has a double name, it is like a human being with the a real name and a nick name or a fake identity, most probably with the intention to cheat or to commit fraud. Why else would a company create files with both names on it.

In this case, the intentions for fraud concern the social security, the pensions and the health care of a significant number of workers in Belgium, which includes migrants and expatriates with the multinational corporations and banks such as ING, Al Tijari-Wafa, Google, Facebook, Twitter, General Motors, Apple, Orange, Total, Q8, Philips, etc.

The global size of the Red Cross is impressive, with offices everywhere in the world, with big cruise ships, with helicopters, a big fleet of cars and ambulances and masses of workers and volunteers which makes anyone think that they have strong financial backing indeed (and actually not needing aid, but strangely enough government and companies continue to donate). It gives the assurance that the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies will always continue obtaining generous amounts of humanitarian aid from oil-producing countries, and from the advanced economies such as the United States, Canada, Japan, Russia, the Euro zone, Norway and Scandinavian countries for “helping people” in the war zones such as Palestine and Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, nearly all the Islamic countries and the whole of Africa where the conflicts have been of very long duration, and of which the cost is extremely high.

Who was paying for these wars?

I find it very surprising that many employers trusted the assets of a humanitarian aid agency for protecting the social funds of their workers.

Examples of employers that created massive jobs in the recent years are jobs in the cleaning and waste treatment sector such Bruxelles Propreté. An awful lot of street cleaners have been engaged in many cities, generating huge sums of pensions that were probably taken to Geneva. Other examples are Uber Eats,Take-Away, Deliveroo, Hello Fresh, which are biking jobs, in which the delivery of food is outsourced like described in the CENEBP document. Masses of jobs were also created in the public construction works, the housing construction sector, the freight transport, the taxis, the nursing and the caring sector such as Soins Chez Soi, call centers (like those for Groupon, Bongo and Ryan Air), the fire department, the public transport, public postal services, private parcel services, waterworks, electricity companies, the refugee hosting services and even with the police force. Any reason for creaing jobs — and for whitewashing money from crime — was good and implemented. With crime I mean drug trafficking, human trafficking and sex-slavery.

This is how the plans for New Morocco which I was writing became the target of a highly criminal mafia which thrives on the slavery of everyone, because that is what it is. They were not creating careers, but precarious jobs that offer no future after they are done.

I have also witnessed the employment of a very large number of migrants, handicapped people and volunteers in the new organizations of the recent years, such as Deliveroo, Red Cross refugee camps, and organizations which deal with the education and integration of the refugees like Atlas in Antwerp and Encora School. The importance of engaging volunteers is that the employer in Belgium is still required to pay insurance and social security contributions for the unpaid volunteer.

Migrants in particular are a group against which they will use racism, xenophobia or downright ethnic cleansing to exclude them from their own contributions to the pensions or other social rights, leaving a significant financial margin for the mafia for driving this whole policy indefinitely. Their real names are on the list of secret accounts created with fake identities.

It comes down to slavery

The people on the list of secret accounts are not necessarily the persons who deal with the pension funds directly, but they are the ultimate owners of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, which was probably founded with fake identities, just like Caritas International.

All the employers in Belgium are obliged by law to pay the pensions to the government. They have no choice but to accept this “assured investment” for the aging generation. The Dexia Holding Municipal is the government owned bank where the financing of the social and economic strategies are decided.

Dexia Holding Municipal finances the regions, the cities and the municipal authorities in the whole of Belgium. Dexia (renamed to Belfius in 2012 after it’s collapse) has a private foundation which partners with Red Cross (La Croix Rouge). That is how funds flow either way between the Belgian municipal holding company in Brussels and the humanitarian aid agency in Geneva.

Belfius Annual Report 2019

Whether it is the pensions from the employers or the humanitarian aid from very large companies and from the various governments in the world, what actually happens when the money arrives is that Lucien Leuwenkroon and his gang take it out with the fake identities that I am denouncing on this list.

Lucien Leuwenkroon wanted to be the king of the coffee with his Lavazza brand. The only reason why he uses the coffee business is to dissimulate narcotics in the cargo full of coffee beans (so, don’t be fooled). The reason he wants to open so many coffee shops is to employ loverboys who entrap for him his future victims for the vile sex-slavery, and to become an important employer in every country, just to hijack people’s pensions.

He has been identified as the orchestrator:

Lucien Leuwenkroon est l’Orchestrateur, et André Azoulay est son pupitre

The aim with the Belgian pensions is not to do something right for the kingdom of Belgium, but to pay the loverboys, to buy Toyota Jeeps for I.S. and to buy trucks and sea containers for even more human trafficking because that is what they really believe in. The global human trafficking and the prostitution is used for spreading around pandemics in the world, which stuns the authorities, which causes them to make expenditures and to share some of that under the form humanitarian aid with the poorer countries and the countries in the conflict zones.

That generates the income with which they buy weapons and pay terrorists to cause a lot of suffering that appeals to the hearts of the generous people to release funds for humanitarian aid.

Part of the aid goes into supporting the social security and pensions of the criminals who help them with the human traffic and the terrorism in all the countries of the world. Many arrive in the numerous asylum centers of the Belgian Red Cross in Tournai where big executioners of Islamic State are well taken care of, the undocumented migrants, and all his other soldiers, traitors and villains.

Why? Because getting humanitarian aid to flow in on a continuous basis is an even more important financial security than that of any Central Bank, in fact, as long as the wars continue, the pensions are safe. As long as there is no peace for the Arabs and the Africans, the pensions and the health care of the Belgian workers are guaranteed. That is the mechanism. That is the possible mindframe with which certain companies are presented the deal and lured into “growing their pension funds” with the Red Cross in Geneva.

Crédit Suisse is a dedicated financial partner of the Red Cross in Switzerland. People are called by the Crédit Suisse to “micro-donate” their money to the Red Cross among others. View the list of secret bank accounts that were created at the Crédit Suisse bank with fake identities:

I have highlighted Dirk Duflou’s name in purple. I have counted two bank accounts for him withCrédit Suisse of which one was created under the false name Michel Lecroux who would be born in Valencienne ( France) and who has 99,188,605.00 Euro with Crédit Suisse Switzerland Geneva since 21-Dec-2001, a few month after the September 11 attacks that year

Even fake tax bills and insurance bills are used for collecting money, by sending fake bailiffs like Dirk Duflou with fake invoices to the poor and illiterate people, who are numerous in Wallonia (view sample below in which he pretends to have acted for the Ministry of Finance, while using their seal).

The Flemish government contributions are recollected by the mafia in the same way from all the people in Belgium with this kind of tricks.

Dirk Duflou is the suspicious bailiff who’s part of the mafia that organized my eviction. He asked me 12 000 euros if I wanted to see my things back. If I had twelve thousand euros, I would not have waited for an eviction by him. That was extortion he was doing.

Go to : The Day When I Was Evicted on False Basis

From his robust physique as a hulk and his monstrous voice, I could deduce immediately that he was part of the genetic mafia to which Daniel Renson, Jos Delcroix and Joseph Gheysens also belong. Undoubtedly, the three of them devised this hard way to give themselves access to my files and computers. That would be via the eviction by bailiff Dirk Duflou. So I lost the computer tower, and a Compaq Notebook that I had received as a present from Merck, when my contract there had ended, for the loyalty to the bosses who had given me the job between 1992 and 1997.

From various sources in Northern Ireland, I have learned that the Bailiff Dirk Duflou in Belfast would have worked as a lender around 1992, and that he was known to have taken money from his customers in various ways, on the pretext of repaying the loans. He committed extorsion on the people of Northern Ireland.

He always expects to see the total sum on the table, like a mafioso, without delay and without the possibility of a monthly payment per installment “because the Ministry of finance in Kortenberg will not accept that” he always said. That’s how I know that he is a liar. With him you pay directly or he will get a locksmith and a police officer to seize all your property. He did indeed get the cooperation of the local police in Zaventem who always came with him.

To get him caught, I am investigating the information that he would have falsified US dollar bank notes. This is the bailiff who caused the eviction from my home.

I will definitely testify against him at court in the USA, when he’s at the mercy of the United States justice system. Many Moroccans in Zaventem will testify against him, like the baker family Dimah.

The curious cat was the Mayor of Zaventem

In Flanders, the same mob created organizations that compete with the government organizations. An example is De Vlaamse Zorgkas, which is according to me an organization which competes with the government social security system. Most people never solicited De Vlaamse Zorgkas, but they receive a letter with a payment strip requesting them to pay immediately their contribution to the care of the elderly.

Click on this link to download a full example

but which summons citizens to pay through the bailiffs, who add the shipping costs, interests and other fines to the original amount which is between 9 and 13 euro. One ends up paying 45 euro at least, for instance. Given that De Vlaamse Zorgkas has the legal status of a VZW/ASBL, which is a member-based non-profit organization, it makes sure that once you have paid, you will become a member. Then you are legally bound to pay your membership every year or the bailiff can have the court of justice freeze and confiscate your bank account, and that is how they raise money for financing the hatred or armed conflicts in other countries. The solution is to never pay or participate from the start and to be knowledgeable of business and financial systems. (view the fine I received of 325 euro to pay on theirBelfius bank account)


The fake identity documents are also part of the trick for generating a residual income for the mafia, as they allow people to find employment and employers to pay social insurance contributions without the workers ever receiving effectively any coverage at all, because in addition to being often uninformed foreigners, they also do not exist in the social security system or they are filed as “inactive”, “address unknown” because of the fake papers.

Examples are the orange ID card, but also the faked regular ID card, which is sold on the Belgian black market. Only God knows how many of these are in circulation in Belgium.

For this reason I provided His Excellency Jan Jambon the Minister President of the Flemish Community with exactly the same information, like for His Excellency Elio di Rupo, the Minister President of Wallonia on the behavior of Jos Delcroix and Paula Donckers, and Her Highness Princess Jacqueline de Croÿ. Delcroix means “De Croix” and it could be part of the “de Croÿ” family branch which fell in disgrace, obviously.

An examples of hate they finance could be the Covid-19 pandemic, with the pensions of everyone

Thank you greatly for your kind attention and for cooperation, Your Excellency Donald Trump of the United States.

Yours sincerely,





Written by Nahema

I am an enterprise and a project controls analyst. I develop collaborative enterprise systems and I am investment adviser for a group of Oriental Investors.

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