Do Your Hands Also Show Cracks and Crevices Resulting From the Disinfectant Gel?

11 min readMar 4, 2021

His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Chairman of the Alwaleed Philanthropies, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

I am referring to my letter of 27 April 2016, in which I reported on the rejection of my grant application with the Kingdom Foundation on 18 November 2007. I was requested by your staff to agree on the forwarding of my investment proposition for you to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Letter to His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed bin Talal: Sponsor the Allah Ghaleb Book

I am referring to the Anaccell news alert of August 2009 which I mailed to the Kingdom Foundation, when the hospitality sector was under threat because of the swine flu pandemic. I have the honor to send a link to download the original email.

On 6 March 2020, I issued an improved offer to Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco, the President of the Lalla Salma Foundation Against Cancer, and His Excellency Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the President of the World Health Organization.

Pour la Fondation Lalla Salma: La stratégie organique Anaccell de lutte contre Coronavirus (English — Nederlands — español)

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, we were all required to disinfect our hands with a special gel, often alcohol-based, that supposedly kills viruses instantly. It’s recommended by the World Health Organization which received 351 million USD, for telling you to use a hand sanitizer such as Anios, which I will discuss further down.

Find out more about how the World Health Organization goes about our finances:

The WHO is obliged to reimburse Belgium for unused subsidies… Does your country also get her money back?

It is believed that hand sanitizers were going to stop the transmission of the disease and that this was going to push back the pandemic, but as you know we have been in a lockdown for one and a half year, we have reached a third wave with harder measures, curfews, and new variants of the same disease have appeared in the UK, South Africa and Brazil.

Does this mean that we have to use more of those alcohol-based hand sanitizer? Who is happy to use this, when it causes the skin of your hands totally dried out and cracks, because that is what alcohol does to the virus and your skin. It takes off the moisture.

“Didn’t the doctors tell you that alcohol is bad for your health?”

Did you know that as soon as your hands are moist through water or perspiration appears, the virus and the bacteria regain strength and develop even faster on your hands than they were evolving previously, and that is what causes the red blemishes and the injuries on the skin, which begins to bleed. When a cut is open, it makes your skin burn when you use the alcohol-based hand sanitizer again. It also allows all sorts of filth and diseases (from others — including Covid19) to enter your body and to form a new disease eventually.

Thus the alcohol-based hand sanitizer causes diseases to increase and your hands to look like the skin of an elephant, with deep scars, leaving you to wonder if you will ever get the same hands back which you had before the coronavirus pandemic or not. You can heal a small cut, but deep scars can be permanent.

Alcohol causes injuries on the skin just like it does inside with people who drink a lot of spirits. When drinking half a bottle of Vodka is lethal, what do you think a simple hand sanitizer will do to you overtime? So, when all the doctors say that alcohol is bad for your health, how come that the World Health Organization tells all the people in the world to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer every moment of the day?

Scars are wounds which did not heal right

The first reason why a cut becomes a scar is because of pathogens like microbes and other filth or poison which disturb the production of healing cells by the skin itself. All we need to do is to limit the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer and to get the skin to heal in the right way. That means through internal and external medicine that promote wound healing in very beautiful ways. That also means not to consume alcohol at all or at least until the healing is completed. That is until you have no more health conditions at all.

It might even promote healing from Covid19 infection, because the people who died of it must have died of the wounds caused by the virus in the soft tissue of the lungs, the heart, the kidneys, the brain and the liver, to name a few delicate organs. When your lungs for example are infected by a dangerous virus, you will cough up a little bit of blood.

To promote healing, Anaccell uses organic cells that turn in the same direction the cells of the human body, and which the immune system understands and works with.

Here is the thing: to establish a cut or an injury by a bacteria or a virus, it is necessary that the shape of it is sharp and that it moves around like a circular saw at cellular level, and when they are numerous they cut through the human tissue.

What Anaccell does is the opposite by injuring the virus without injuring human tissue which requires biointelligent engineering. It is engineering solutions which use the intellingence and the DNA of the plants. It is a new school.

It is possible. View our presentation to the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

Anaccell’s Response to Airborne Transmission of Covid-19

Existing scars can be minimized

When we know that the cause of scars is an impaired healing due to impurities, then the probability is that a scar may consist of skin cells which grew on top of the impurity. That was my deduction when I looked into the skin of a criminal named Daniel Renson, who told me that the windshield of the car blew in his face during an accident. I stick to my position that the scars came from a knife during a fight he had with two Algerians who avenged the rape of their sister by Daniel Renson.

From his skin I could see that he was a dipsomaniac (alcohol drinker) causing him to have a skin with holes in it like the skin of a crocodile, and that he had a very serious acné problem consisting of large pus-filled pimples, which produced additional scars. That is what I think happened. “You are giving me a lot of work, and that will not be cheap!” I said to him. “Money is not a problem”, he said to me.

I was assuming that after the fight with the Algerians who thought the man was dead, Daniel Renson avoided the hospitals and he took care of the injury by himself, with his filthy hands.

I departed from the premise that even after many years, the same filth is probably still nestled under the skin and in the blood, and with poor hygiene and a poor lifestyle of a serial killer, the scars will only become bigger.

I began with the profound decontamination of Daniel Renson’s total face. He was puzzled, curious and eventually astonished at how the scars become less visible… and he became jealous also, if not murderous no matter what you do to help him.

It turns out that he was following every step and reporting to somebody about my procedures and about my brand, which is Anaccell. Daniel Renson is part of the Brabant Killers and I believe he is part of the mafia behind the Covid 19 pandemic.

Anios seems a plagiary by professor Roland WIllemys

I Wish I Could Say I Was a Remarkable Alumni of the VUB. They Gave Me Donuts. Here is Why:

His mafia is headed by professor Roland Willemyns, who is a professor in Dutch linguistics at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, who gave me donuts when I was his student. He conspired to kill me with diseases like Covid19 in 2000.

In 2009 he could not digest that I survived all of it and I became the founder of the Anaccell Corporation which designs medical solutions with a very different logic. Professor Roland Willemyns is a stock investor in distilleries and breweries, for alcohol-based drinks.

The Profuse Anti-Islam Attitude of Roland Willemyns Is the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks

Discover the Anaccell Corporation which uses a systemic approach to decontamination. Decontamination in my company is a continuous activity by the ingrediënts in the products, not by the continuous application of it. The Anaccell philosophy is to work with “method” and with “science” to help a cell condition evolve better. Anaccell relies on plant-cells to correct the dynamics which cause degeneration and which restore the communication between the human cells.

With what they thought they understood from Daniel Renson who spied on me, they created Anios which is a 100 % alcohol-based hand sanitizer that works only on the moment of the application of it and then nothing. It only strips your skin of it’s natural acidic layer to leave you with a decreased immunity.

You can wipe out paint with Anios

Anios is meant to be so aggressive against the bacteria that it also immediately destroys the skin. To test its aggression, I took a piece of paper on which I wrote a few words with an ordinary ballpoint pen by Bic. Then I used a few drops of Anios. The blue ink disappeared immediately and I had another perfect white sheet.

Everyone was using Anios at the Red Cross asylum center in Tournai

To really be honest, everybody at the refugee asylum center of la Croix-Rouge de Belgique was using Anios for fraud with the train tickets which they fill in with a regular pen. Every refugee receives one return ticket per month to anywhere in Belgium by train.

I noticed certain refugees traveling back and forth to Brussels almost every day, and I asked where they find the money to pay for the train tickets, which cost 27 Euros for the same day return.

This is very expensive when the Belgian Red Cross only gives asylum seekers 31.20 Euros per month pocket money, and they pay between 1 and 1, 50 Euro per hour of labor. Any labor on the camp.

They showed me a bottle of Anios and then they showed me how to reuse the same train ticket over again, if the ticket has not been perforated by the train commander. That is how popular Anios is. It wipes the most difficult stains from your favorite clothes, and it leaves a bleached spot on your favorite clothes, giving you a new stain which will always remind you of Anios.

This is what you will get with Anios

Perhaps Anios was made for cleaning blood stains like those of Susan Okweobe, for instance?

Imagine what this does to the pigment cells of your skin? The pigment cells are the immunity cells meant to protect the skin from infection. When they are destroyed then cancer cells will replace them. Thus, Anios destroys the immune system. The workers in the care sector would no longer have the hands they need for caring for people with infectious diseases.

Susan Okweobe was presumably assassinated by the hands of professor Roland Willemyns who cut through her throat, when he tried to rape her in St Louis (Mo), at the house of her British History Professor Philip Stanley, where no blood traces were left.

The European Commission should ban Anios from the market because they can use Anios for faking papers like visas, passports and driver’s licenses.

The makers of Anios are probably aiming to sell a lot of hand creme to counterbalance the disastrous consequences of Anios. They are not using any sciences if they copied my Anaccell. In order to dispose of this science, there was a burglary in my apartment on February 18, 2010, the minutes of which bear the reference “PV BR .17.L7.001329/2010 daterende van 19/02/2010”, during which the papers of the SABAM (Belgian copyright house) disappeared.

They use politics and they waste other people’s money and time. They should be arrested.

I would like to invite you to visit the WHO website and to use their search tool and to find something about “alcohol abuse”.

If you find something, please let me know. If we find nothing, then we should all turn to the WHO to give back our hands and our money. I mean the 351 million USD which they were able to raise, to date to help us get rid of Covid19.

Source Sud-Info / Belga

It is ruled by terrorists like Daniel Renson and Roland Willemyns who use the machine-gun for solving their problems. That is their science. They raise their funds for buying weapons with Anios.

They are part of the gang of Brabant Killers which wreaked havoc in Belgium between 1982 and 1985, causing 50 victims including 28 deaths. Afterwards, no one knew where they had gone. They turned into businessmen making big plans for Belgium.

New investigations resulted in new sets of portraits. Not only did I recognize 4 members of the Brabant Killers, including Professor Roland Willemyns, but I ran into all of them. There is still a fifth whose robot portrait has not yet been released.

The Killers Who Revamped Themselves To Leading Business Executives and Academics, To Never Be Found

Thank you, beloved Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Chairman of the Alwaleed Philanthropies, for your kind attention and for your time.

Yours sincerely,





I am an enterprise and a project controls analyst. I develop collaborative enterprise systems and I am investment adviser for a group of Oriental Investors.