The Profuse Anti-Islam Attitude of Roland Willemyns Is Because of the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks

8 min readMar 3, 2021


For His Excellency Joe Biden, the President of the United States,1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA

With reference to my previous article on the murder of Miss Susan Obweobe by professor Roland Willemyns, I would like to announce that he has shares in distilleries and breweries in the USA, UK and Scotland:

In the beer sector he holds since 19 October 1991 under the fake identity of George Templar, 1% of the shares of Goose Island Brewery which is in Chicago (USA), of which the bonds were issued by the Bank of New York Mellon in New York.

Read our special file on the Bank of New York Mellon, which is a Belgian bank,

H.E. President Donald Trump: The Bank of New York (BNY) Is Not An American Bank

View Professor Roland Willemyns’ secret accounts in the USA

Still in the beer sector he holds since 6 Dec 1989 under the fake identity of Victor Muscles 0,5 % of the shares of the Bradfield Brewery in the Peak District, in the UK, of which the bonds were issued by Barclays bank in London.

View also the bank accounts of Roland Willemyns at the Barclays Bank in London which he created accounts with yet a another identity, as well as the share of secret accounts with the Barclays Bank by all the Killers of Brabant among whom some other minor shareholders in wineries, distilleries and breweries and such as Budweiser, Juplier and Chimay.

In the whisky he holds 1 % of the shares of The Clydeside Distillery in Glasgow, Scotland (UK) since 5 may 1990 under the fake identity of Leonard Stiles. The bonds were issued by the Bank of Scotland

He also holds 1% of shares of Glenkinchie Distillery in Edinburgh under the fake name William Hogarty since 3 February 1988, also through the Bank of Scotland

All the above-mentioned companies are not stock quoted but all family-owned businesses.

Crooked parameters

When viewing Professor Roland Willemyns’ secret accounts in the UK I do not find any of the fake identities under which he holds shares in all these companies. It does not seem that he opened any bank accounts with the same names with which he holds the shares. One might wonder how in the world he expects to get paid the dividends if the name and place of birth on the bond document at the bank which issued the bonds is different than the name and place of birth of the bank account holder at the same bank.

There must be reasons for all these crooked parameters such as the use of multiple fake identities in the same countries, and even within the same bank. There also must be reasons why he chooses to invest in alcoholic drinks.

Three reasons why he invested money from crime in the breweries and distilleries:

Fake visas and passports

1989, 1990 and 1991 are the years in which the Belgian State Security was investigating a large scale swindle of fake Benelux visas, fake passports and fake drivers licences which were massively sold to clandestine Moroccan migrant workers in several countries in West and South Europe.

The chances are that the proceeds from the swindle ended in the shares of the breweries and the distilleries. These are sectors which are the least likely to be investigated by the Muslims, when it comes to the whitewashing of embezzled government funds such as the humanitarian aid and the financing of Islamist terrorism.

One person was killed in the fake visa affair and her name is Miss Denise Janssens. She might have seen professor Roland Willemyns a few months before she was assassinated and dumped in the canal with heavy chains around her to make her sink to the bottom, but she re-appeared and her case was filed as a cold case. Miss Denise Janssens was Jewish and antisemitism might have played an important role.

I was myself arrested and imprisoned in that affair and the imprisonment was likely ordered by professor Roland Willemyns; who three year after I had left the university where he was my professor in 1987, he did not digest that I complained about him deliberately cheating with my exam questions, which caused me to fail the whole year. While I relinquished pursuing higher education in his Whites-only university (in that period), he relentlessly continued pestering me in different ways throughout the last 34 years in all areas of my life.

It turns out that he may have made me fail in order to withhold the student grant which the Kingdom of Morocco awarded to me, to renew my chances. That year when I collided with him, I was expecting 80 000 Bef. Around 50 000 Bef were missing. For this not to come out, he attacked me, just like he attacked the American-Ghanean student Miss Susan Okweobe probably for robbing the student grants which are passed from one country to another through the intergovernmental funds like the World Bank, which is permanently governed by the Belgian National Bank, which is the central bank of his country.

One of the attacks in which he might have been the leader was the Fake visas and passports case in which I was falsely accused of faking visas, while this problem of fake papers in Belgium dates back to the First World War at least, when the Belgians who fled Congo Free State began a new life under different identities, so to escape prosecutions for the bloodshed which they committed against the people of Congo. Roland Willemyns’ family (possibly including himself) had to leave everything behind and run away from the Congo in the sixties. The new targets became the people and the country of Morocco. I am currently investigating the role of the Willemyns’ family in the Holocaust.

For more about the Fake visas and passport case please read the letter on Attorney Inès Wouters (the legal advisor of professor Roland WIllemyns) entitled “The possible motive for the scam with fake passports and fake driver’s licenses is that as a lawyer she wanted to make believe that she was worth between 200 and 500 USD per hour, and she resorted to scams”.

In the same way, Roland Willemyns probably wanted to buy into distilleries and breweries in the UK to raise money for his war in Northern Ireland, where they were using the pubs for hiding weapons.

HE Prime Minister Boris Johnson: 7 People Burnt To Death Because They Refused To Sell Their Pubs To Michel Verpoorten, A Belgian

Forged securities and bonds

Professor Willemyns was also involved in the poisoning of Chase Manhattan Banker Robert Witherspoon, and perhaps much more directly than previously thought, given his shares in distilleries and breweries in the U.S. England and Scotland. Note that this murder case is about forcing a banker to redeem falsified securities, which the banker refused to do for Professor Willemyns.

Attorney Inès Wouters also features in the case concerning the poisoning of Mr Robert Witherspoon. She is believed to have purchased the bottle of wine from a local liquor shop in Saint-Louis (Missouri). She is also believed to have introduced the arsenic or the arsenic-like poison in the bottle.

So far, I was able to determine that she was part of the conspiracy for sure, but not that she was responsible for the poison and the poisoned bottle of wine, as I did not get an answer on the questions:

  • Who purchased the poison?
  • What was the name of the liquor store?
  • When did Attorney Wouters introduce the poison in the bottle?

With this new angle of professor Roland Willemyns being a shareholder with breweries and distilleries, I depart from the possibility that there could be a question of two bottles of wine in this story:

  • One bottle of wine could have been brought over from Belgium with the poison in it;
  • One bottle of wine of exactly the same brand which Inès Wouters bought in Saint-Louis, of which she kept a purchase ticket as a proof for the police to investigate the liquor store, rather than herself and her Belgian compagnions among whom Roland Willemyns.

If this scenario is plausible, then the idea to proceed with two bottles must have come from someone who has a good command of the wine and alcohol markets, like it appears to be the case with professor Roland Willemyns. He might have changed the bottles at some point and advised the two others not to drink it.

Nobody noticed anything of bottles being changed because they were probably all already drunk, but lucid enough to understand that the wine was poisoned. This is exactly why alcohol should be banned.

Paying terrorists through the pubs

In the analysis of the airport attacks of Zaventem of 22 March 2016, it was found that Salah Abdeslam was a café owner and possibly a client of the aforementioned companies who supply among others Johnny Walker Scotch Whisky, which is very popular in Belgium

You can imagine why Roland Willemyns would be a determined anti-Islam. Islam forbids the total consumption of alcohol to prevent you from being fooled.

Not only the Robert Witherspoon’s case, but also the poisoning of Miss Ina Valstar in Guingamps show that poisoning through alcoholic drinks works faster than poisoning through fruit juice for instance.

This is why the profuse islamophobia on behalf of Roland Willemyns is based on the prohibition of alcoholic drinks, but it’s by no means limited to this single cause. I think the same man would put obstacles to the development of the Vanille Finance Card for human aid fearing that it will not support the consumption of alcohol.

If he does not mind his own business, we will force him in very painful ways how to do that.





Written by Nahema

I am an enterprise and a project controls analyst. I develop collaborative enterprise systems and I am investment adviser for a group of Oriental Investors.

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