Professor Roland Willemyns Would Have Assassinated the Ghanese-American Student Susan Okweobe in St Louis on 19 July 2000

Aussi en français Nederlands

17 min readFeb 19, 2021

For His Excellency Joe Biden, the President of the United States,1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA

In 2000, professor Roland Willemyns would have assassinated an american student who was an exchange student from Ghana:

Her name is Susan Okweobe whose father is a Ghanese and her mother is a black American from Anchorage (Alaska) who was also living in Ghana. Susan was attending History classes with British professor Philip Stanley at the University of St Louis.

Professor Roland Willemyns would have travelled to St Louis under a different name which is Pierre Fauvois — with a false French passport. He was staying with Mr Philip Stanley, the British professor who is part of the faculty at St Louis University.

During that trip, professor Roland Willemyns was reportedly using 6 different identities, so as not to be caught.

Black women are portrayed as being more ready to have sex than the White women. The prejudice could have been a trigger for the rape as much as meeting a professor at his home. We need to work on attitudes to push back sex-slavery to clearly define the responsible party.

The victim is Susan Okweobe had a meeting with her professor at his house for “a tutoring session”. Once there, both men tried to have sex with her, and like any normal woman would do, she fended them and she fought back.

Given that she was unwilling to spread her legs and let herself be abused by the two men, and given that they were two professors, they resorted to killing her, otherwise she will tell it all to the police.

Professor Roland Willemyns would have used a knife to cut through her throat at the apartment where he was staying with the British professor, in St Louis. They drank her blood.

Susan Okweobe was 22 years of age and died on the 19th of July 2000, which is the day when she was assassinated.

Her mutilated body was found two days later by the police of St Louis on another place, where the two men dumped her. Her body was rolled in a carpet and dropped in an alley, and to date the St Louis Police must have thought that the woman was killed around that place, given that they found the body there.

Today, the St Louis Police will know more and they can inform the family of Susan Okweobe the truth.

Willemyns stayed for 3 more nights with professor Philip Stanley, and he flew back with American Airlines to Brussels.

When the court proceedings concerning the murder of Susan Okweobe will be held, I shall witness against professor Roland Willemyns for what he did to me, when I was a student at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels asking no more than to be taught Dutch in an impeccable way, and to help spread the language to all the civilizations to which I belong.

Professor Willemyns grilled me in 1987 when he gave me between 0 and 1 on 20 on a single question that I didn’t understand because of his very low voice. I asked him to repeat, and he took the opportunity to say that I hadn’t studied, and he made me fail his course which weighed heavily on the total points I needed to pass.

His exams are mostly oral, so that when there is a dispute, it will be very hard to prove for the student that he or she was wronged. He basically had contempt for the whole class, and he had two ways for showing this:

The first is that he never shows up himself to give the instructions. For months nobody knew how professor Roland Willemyns looked like.

I have seen professor Roland Willemyns and I recognized his face in a documentary about the Brabant Killers

He employed an assistant who was doing the actual teaching and who was a very kind and friendly individual. You would expect that the professor himself would be also like his assistant. Professor Willemyns is not a friendly person at all, and he was using someone else’s angelic face not to scare you off until the exams at the end of the school year. That is the only time that you get to meet professor Roland Willemyns for the first time, and that he gets to meet and greet you for the first time too.

By giving grades in an arbitrary way — just because you are a Moroccan for example — he hatefully casts his judgement of you without knowing anything about your personality or your talents. He simply uses a list with names of who to pass and who to sink, which was probably decided at the stage of the registration for his classes, at the beginning of the school year.

There were rumors like this making the tour of the university which is that the decision on who can pursue the education in the next grade is something which was decided many months ahead before the end exams.

The second way of showing contempt was that he smokes heavy tobacco, or perhaps hasheesh I dare say, while dealing with the students and while taking the exams. It is sickening and that too can be a strategy on behalf of the professor to make you doubt your observations of the procedure during the examination.

He actually uses a multitude of tactics to crush a student so that he wins all the time during an argument. A student never wins against a professor because people tend to give more credibility to the professor and none at all to the student.

Only a student doesn’t expect to find baseness like cheating on behalf of a university professor, and that’s what’s insane about this case

It is a kind of violence which in the case of a student-professor relationship must be attributed to a pedophile, given the very high degree of perversity in Roland Willemyns’attitude. When it comes to Belgium, there are plenty of professors Willemyns around who are basically misanthropists to which the youth is constantly exposed.

When professor Roland Willemyns gave me zero, on a question related to a footnote in one of the many books about psycho-linguistics, dichotomy etc., I knew immediately that he was a criminal. He turns out to be part of a famous criminal gang in Belgium called “The Killers of Brabant

The Killers Who Revamped Themselves To Leading Business Executives and Academics, To Never Be Found

As a student, I was unable to describe the hateful phenomenon like I do today, because I did not understand the aggression on behalf of the professors who seem to hate it when a Moroccan does it right. I mentally processed the setback as a case that I must attribute to racism.

That professor Roland Willemyns is a racist and that he harbors a profound hatred against all the Muslims is confirmed because that he had clearly demonstrated that in Pampeluna, during a barbecue in which a 6-year-old Spanish child was eaten by Roland Willemyns and his Gang of Brabant Killers.

Despite the fact that Moroccan Colonel Sellam Sadki had taken the risk of kidnapping the six-year-old child from an orphanage to provide a group of Belgian tourists with their favorite food an to be their friends, he himself was almost chopped to pieces by professor Roland Willemyns who might also rather see the colonel roasted in an oven.

Nobody understood what had gotten into the mind of professor Roland Willemyns who was described as becoming increasingly angry, very nervous and casting a hostile glance at the Moroccan colonel until he headed towards him in a fury, to beat, kill or eat him. Two other gang members came in between to keep the two men apart.

There was no other trigger than the simple fact that professor Roland Willemyns is a wild human species and an Enemy of everybody especially of the Muslims. The Colonel was a Muslim, or at least still seen by professor Willemyns as a Muslim although someone who eats humans cannot be called a Muslim at all.

They almost put Colonel Sellam in the furnace like little Joseph Monclin

But what is racism all about?

A financial reading of the same problem clarifies what that racism is all about. It is not about the color of your skin or your religion.

It is about status: in the case of Sellam Sadki, he has the military grade of a colonel, he has access to weapons, he is respected as an authority. That is what Roland Willemyns would also have preferred especially in Northern Ireland where he played the commander-in-chief of illegal militia.

It is about aura: the colonel is gracefully tall and he can be attractive for the women, and useful for the highly lucratvie human traffic in which the professor is heavily engaged and in which he needs to spend a lot of money on loverboys for doing the work that he cannot do, With his breast shaped like a whale.

What could have triggered the violent reaction towards Colonel Sadki on behalf of Roland Willemyns is the colonel was speaking in Spanish with somebody at the moment of the rage. Colonel Sadki is multilingual and that was probably also the problem which professor Willemyns had with me as a student in his class.

When you can speak up and file complaints in four or five languages, you cannot be an easy victim for the human traffic maffia.

In addition, the secret accounts of the Moroccan colonel show that he is not a poor guy, and perhaps killing the colonel was one way for professor Willemyns (and his helper in shadow) for getting hold of all the money which the Moroccan colonel accumulated.

Roland Willemyns is none of all this and he is obviously a very sick man who envies all that about “a Muslim”. He hates it even more that he may need the colonel for helping him get into the Arab territory and for the recruitment of terrorists, for the trafficking of women and weapons at the very leastI imagine.

Similarly, racism also stands in the way of
the international organized crime

It is about money. “Instead of saying that he wants my money, professor Roland Willemyns bragged around that I was a bad student”, and the whole university believed him. They did not believe me.

Instead of Saying “We Want Your Money”, they say “You Are a Bad Student”

He could be the professor who wanted half the amount of the student grant which Morocco offered to renew my chances. The normal scholarship in those years was around 80 000 Bef (1 983.15 euro — 2 396.87 USD). I only received 30 000 Bef (743.68 euro — 898.83 USD). The rest was probably hijacked like many things between Morocco and Belgium.

I turned to the government of my country because the Belgian government does not support a student who failed the first year of higher education. The university itself does, and I received from the VUB 10 000 bef (247.89 euro — 299.58 USD) for redoing the first year.

At least I have a second country to turn to and it is a country which keeps supporting her students abroad. However, Morocco was probably financing the purchase of F16 firefighters for the Polisario by sending their students to Belgium. This is why I urged for the total cancellation of all the agreements with Belgium and for another partnership between Morocco and the European Union.

You will find more about this in my letter to His Excellency Jean-Claude Juncker, the former President of the European Commission about the win-lose partnership with the European Union.

I have been digging into the secret accounts of professor Roland Willemyns to see if the probability exists that he would have hijacked the student grants (including mine) for the Moroccans students or perhaps for the students of the entire Maghreb region, who typically choose France, Belgium, Germany and the USA for a higher education. I took a snapshot of the period when he was my professor:

View table 1

I have highlighted in green the countries that supply aid to Morocco for the education which are mostly the oil rich Arab countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar to name a few that are visible on this specific list related to the period when I was a student at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels.

It looks like Roland Willemyns has bank accounts with fake identities in these countries. As he did not seem to have any bank accounts in Morocco himself in that period, for as far as I found anything about him, the hijacking of the education funds must either have happened at the source in those countries, or perhaps with an intermediary, like an international financial institution, such as the World Bank, the IMF and the United Nations Fund.

You will find out more on how the mafia in Belgium is being refunded the money while no records of a refund may exist for any other country in the world.

The WHO is obliged to reimburse Belgium for unused subsidies… Does your country also get her money back?

In those years, I inquired with the Boston University on the campus of the VUB to get a degree with them. The price was about 500 000 bef (12 394.68 euro — 14 980.46 USD ), without the many extra programs they were organizing at the margin of the program. I attended those programs and I met with the international students from countries like Taiwan and Iran who were usually very rich refugees.

I also inquired with the Maryland University and the Chicago City College at the US military base in Evere, but they judged that with that residence card (5 years renewable) I was not qualified to register. They do register people who are employed with NATO and the European Commission and their families, I learned that day.

The last time when I tried to register at a university was last year at the Solvay Business School of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, because I had heard that it was totally free of charge in absolute through the Belgian Red Cross Asylum Center, if you are an asylum seeker; under the condition that you have an orange identity card. I was living at the refugee camp of the Belgian Red Cross in Tournai, but they refused to give me an orange card. Instead, they threatened to deport me to God knows where… Maybe to Auschwitz.

It’s like I’ve been to Auschwitz… without ever going to Poland

In 2015, I learned that this professor was the leader and the financier of the most abominable faction in Northern Ireland named “The Provos”. It is very likely that he finances the violent extremism with the education budgets, such as the one I applied for in Morocco, such as Erasmus Mundi, and such as the scholarship which the american student Susan Okweobe received for studying at the university of St Louis. The money could be the reason why professor Roland Willemyns would have raped and assassinated the young woman.

Unplugged talks about the financial role of professor Willemyns of the VUB in the Northern Ireland Civil War

Another motive for the assassination of Susan Okweobe could be the identity or the passport of the students which the gang of Brabant Killers use for helping accomplices (like Attorney Inès Wouters) to travel abroad, for opening secret accounts in any country of their choice, and for committing crimes:

It is in this way that Roland Willemyns is said to have helped 7 Belgians to travel to the United States of America to celebrate a sacrifice in Baton Rouge, that is, to “eat” a young black American girl. He would have paid for the plane tickets himself, but in the name of fake students from his university to justify the tickets through the university, while he knew that these so-called students had plans to kill many Americans on their territory, even though Big Brother was watching them.

In that case file from 1991 two students were named Clara Sanchez and Laura Sanchez, for example. False identities most likely refer to people who really existed, because to open an account the banks need an address of residence and official identity documents (with a structured number from the population register on it), and therefore those false identities — used by the Brabant Killers — could refer to people who may have been murdered in order to get their identity documents afterwards. The chances are also that the Brabant killers strike deals with corrupted bankers to help them pass the security clearance. All this needs to be verified in a global audit such as “From Mawazine to Panama Papers”.

This practice may have been the main cause of the Holocaust that officially took place between 1940 and 1945. I would like to illustrate this with an excerpt from a book on the resistance in which a 1943 court ruling is quoted indicating that Miss Renson forged and sold the identity papers of Jews. I assume she is referring to the victims of the NAZI extermination camps such as “Auschwitz”.

I also assume that the identities of Jews who were murdered between 1940 and 1945 are still being used today as nationals of Israel, the United States, Germany, Austria, Russia, and especially Switzerland (as with the Crédit Suisse). Therefore, the false identities of dead people are more likely to be used to open bank accounts than the use of identities of people who never existed, or ordinary imaginary names. The preference for identities of dead people is most probably because a dead person cannot claim the amounts in those secret accounts.

The secret bank accounts of a mafia in Belgium

Unofficially, World War II continued to this day in the form of terrorist attacks, civil wars, insurgency, coups, plane crashes, etc., also to make looting easy, and I explain this in my book Allah Ghaleb.

I have the honor to include a list of fake Mexican identities that are used by a Belgian mafia for opening bank accounts in other countries, of which the oldest found so far belongs to Her Highness Princess Jacqueline de Croÿ and which dates back to 1987 on the fake identity of Juanita Suarez who was born in Mexico City and who opened a bank account on 27 January 1987 with Banco Patagonia in Buenos Aires Argentina in she holds 123,909,827 USD (status of 30-Nov-2020).

Tabla 2

The other striking remark is that the cities where the fake Mexicans would have been born correspond with cities with major Mexican universities.

This graph below shows in which countries the fake Mexican IDs are frequently used.

Gráfico 1

The table below shows that Mexico was chosen by the same crooks for hiding a current total of 359,060,357.90 USD:

Tabla 3

They are using US and Spanish identities for hiding money in the country in which the same individuals may finance the massacre of the Mexican people. They also seem to privilege the Santander Bank. In the above table, I have highlighted a link with Barcelona to which I would like to attract your attention given that around 80 % of all the NH hotels in the world are located in Catalunya.

HE Ramon Aragonés Marín : Fire NH Belgium cvba

Allow me to highlight the three main people who hide money in Mexico. Their names are Lucien Leuwenkroon, Daniel Renson y Alfons Nuyts.

They are related to professor Roland Willemyns and he stands higher than the three in the graph below because when I was protesting against this professor at the VUB, I had Greek friends who also collided with the same man, and they warned me that he was the high priest of the Great Orient, and that I was going to have a lot of trouble. I defied the fear which they tried to impose on me. They have probably never watched the movie called “The Wizard of Oz”.

Gráfico 2

If I am addressing you with this article, it is because I am aware and very shocked by the massacre of 43 trainee teachers in the state of Guerrero, in 2014. It is possible that they were killed because of their identities, which can be used in the same way as the previous examples, taking into account many corresponding parameters, such as the fact that they were teachers, and future competitors for Roland Willemyns and Inès Wouters, who is a professor at Solvay Business School.

The United States, Mexico, Belgium, Ghana, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Morocco, at least, must investigate again on exchanges in higher education with Belgiumin collaboration with the International Criminal Court.

Inter-university exchanges can also be used to voluntarily get the victim to come to Belgium to be literally eaten or first raped, killed and then eaten by these monsters, such as Miss Jesse Bartholomew.

A professor’s background is a public concern

When I complained with the Head of the university (Mr Silvain Loccufier), they began to dig in my past as if I were a criminal, and pull out the previous failures at the Katholieke Vlaamse Hogeschool voor vertalers en tolken, where they played a dirty trick on me there too, but they never digged in professor Willemyns’ past.

All the above leads me to question where Mr Roland Willemyns has been to school, at which university he studied the sciences that he pretends to master, how he got hold of his university degree, and how he landed in that job. These are the questions — especially the two last ones — to which I would like answers today, in the public arena, because he is at the head of a terrorist gang named the “Brabant Killers”.

I know from one of the gang members — Daniel Renson — that almost the whole gang bought their university degrees with a lot of money, which they possibly generated by looting everyone in Northern Ireland.

How many Belgian victims died in the struggle in Northern Ireland between 1968 and 1999?

My conclusion is that the man is a terrorist

A sentence from any Court of Justice that professor Roland Willemyns is as such is desirable as soon as possible. What will definitely be of help are the secret bank accounts which he has in countries like Lebanon (red) where he has 4 bank accounts of which the oldest was created in 1972, that is when the war started in Lebanon which absolutely nobody understood what it was for until everyone began to think that the religion was the cause. I have also highlighted Serbia (green) and Bosnia (pink), where he seems to have bank accounts in the years at the run up of a very cruel war.

View chart onllineView source table

I shall come to the USA and witness against professor Roland Willemyns at the Supreme Court of St Louis, because — like in my case — the student grant for Susan Okweobe was possibly moved to the Barclays Bank in London where professor Roland Willemyns opened a bank account on 19 July 2001, and where the state of accounts in August 2020 shows 7,615,388 GBP (8,300,773 euro or 100,60,181 USD) (marked in cyan). He opened the account under the fake identity of William Matthews who would be a British citizen from the British Virgin Island.

I will make him and his folks regret that he called me a bad student.

Yours sincerely,





Written by Nahema

I am an enterprise and a project controls analyst. I develop collaborative enterprise systems and I am investment adviser for a group of Oriental Investors.

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