This Time, The Instruction To Kill Ina Valstar Comes From The USA
His Excellency Donald Trump
The President of the United States,1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
In the context of bringing an end to the Covid-19 pandemic for once and for good, allow me to share an important detail in a case of human traffic with the women from Thailand in the 1980ies. Please help solve this problem for the whole world, and let’s make America great again:
After a first attempt to kill Ina Valstar, when she traveled with Nina Larsen to a convention of the Friends of Beelzebub in Guingamp, France, in June 1990, and when Charlotte Lecompteur (also a madame in Paris) remembered her as the one who caused the loss of her best client Philippe Ducreuil, and she plotted to get to Ina’s bedroom a bottle of sparkling wine which was poisoned, there was another attempt to get her killed, 3 years later, also in France.
The second time when Ina Valstar was on her way getting poisoned again was on 7 September 1993
Ina Valstar travelled to France under the name Frederika Hoogertoren with a fake Dutch passport, on 7 September 1993. She was invited to come to Paris by Geneviève Blériot, who is a madame.
Ina Valstar was picked up in Belgium (in Borgerhout) by a chauffeur and bodyguard who works for Geneviève Blériot, who has her business in Paris XIII.
Human traffic was the topic of the discussion
Ina was invited to discuss the delivery of a few young girls, two Afro-Americans from the USA, 3 from Ghana, or a total of 5 individuals to Paris. Ina was not pleased with the deal which was to deliver the girls against the price which Geneviève offered.
Geneviève was offering 50 000 French Francs (FF) (7,622.43 euro or 9,040.96 USD) per girl. The French madame was not paying enough money, according to Ina who wanted more pay.
Yet, I think Geneviève knew that Ina Valstar didn’t spend anything for getting the 5 girls in the first place, because they were kidnapped. Miss Valstar didn’t buy them to find out at what price she could sell them, if she really wants to take human beings for commodities. It is like selling stolen goods at a very high price, only these are people. This woman (see her picture above) who has no morals wanted more than 10,000 USD per girl.
Human traffic is the explanation for the high amounts of money in her bank accounts under fake names in Holland. There her name would be Anneke Visser who currenly has 3,150,670 Euro (or 3,732,095 USD) with the ING bank in Amsterdam, and her name would also be Wilhelmina Schuyten who currently has 800,607 Euro (or 948, 351 USD) with the ING bank in Leiden.
It’s clear that she’s looking to get her hands on a lot of money so that she can pay killers to eliminate everyone who stands in her way, like she did with all her former male partners.
Minister of Justice of France: Ina Valstar drank the blood of 2 victims in Saint Malo between 2 and 17 April 1988 + The research in the Netherlands on her true identity by her marital past (only available in French and Dutch at this time)
The madame arranged that Ina could stay in Paris for 3 or 4 days
On the second day, “Frederika” was invited to a dinner in a restaurant in Paris XIII with Geneviève and with bodyguards. The bodyguard of the French madame was Frederic Toussaint. The bodyguard of Ina Valstar was Jaco Vandervoort. There were a total of 4 people who went to the restaurant, where they had seafood, like oysters, mussels and shrimps.
At the end of the dinner, Ina and Jaco didn’t feel well
The owner of the restaurant called the ambulance. The so-called “Frederika” and Jaco were both taken to the Pitié Salpetrière hospital.
At the hospital, around 7:47 PM, they emptied their stomach, but for Jaco it was too late. He died around 9:48 PM during the surgery of his stomach.
However, one of the members of the staff at the hospital was not a real employee of the hospital, but he was an eliminator who was paid to infiltrate the hospital in the context of this particular case of poisoning, in which he was supposed to finish off one of them. He remained throughout the operation of Mr Vandervoort’s stomach, afterwards, he disappeared and he was never found again. Mr Jaco Vandervoort would have been eliminated as a witness of the poisoning.
But, Jaco’s murder was actually unnecessary if Ina Valstar (who was the ultimate target in the plot) was using a fake name like “Frederika Hoogertoren”, and if because of this, she can’t really sue anyone or file a complaint with the police at all under any of all her fake identities, including the name “Ina Valstar”, which could be fake. The plotters did not know that about her, but if they did, Ina Valstar would have died a long time ago.
Who was the ultimate plotter to kill Ina Valstar?
The instruction to eliminate Ina Valstar came from the USA, from Susan Archibald, who is a huge madame in America who avenged the delivery of 10 girls from Thailand to Louisiana in the USA, in 1987. 9 of the girls were very ill with a viral infection with the intention to infect all the American people.
Letter to Princess Sirivannavari of Thailand: On the Human Traffic With the Thai Women in Belgium
The 9 girls died, and at the moment of their death, they had scum coming out of their mouths, which is a possible indication of a very violent viral lung infection, similar to the corona virus which currently killed 863,000 people worldwide.
That is why an investigation today of the poisoning and the death of Jaco Vandervoort is important. Ina Valstar may hold answers to how the girls from Thailand got infected, by whom, and where the poison was originally manufactured. Ina Valstar holds many answers that we need today.
For more about the 10 women from Thailand, please follow the Sway link below:
What I definitely know about Ina Valstar is that she hates the USA and the American people, and I don’t know why. She manifested her disgust for the Americans in March 1995 when I invited to my parent’s house Angela Shaw and her family, and Mary and Ben Van Gils, the Dutch fashion designer and his American wife. Ina Valstar influenced my mother to necessarily be there too, obviously with the intention to make observations and to spy on who the people are who help me in my life. There were interesting talks between Ben Van Gils and my brother Michael on the clothing industry in Morocco, such as KTX.
Letter for the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity: KTX was killed still in the egg (available only in French and Dutch)
About one year later the fashion designer was hit with an awful legal case by the Dutch Court of Justice involving the confiscation of his clothing factories in Tangiers.
If a Dutch court can decide about the life or death of an enterprise in Morocco, then an American Court should also pronounce the seizure and the shut down of factories in Belgium or anywhere else in the prosecution and judgment concerning the 10 victims of human traffic from Thailand who were sent to the USA with a deadly viral infection.
In any case, one of the Thai girls who she shipped to Louisiana survived the infection and I will come back to this at the end of this article.
Valstar remained for 3 days at Pitié Salpetriere hospital
Valstar remained in the hospital for 3 days between 8 and 12 September 1993 under the name “Frederika Hoogertoren”. On the last day she was picked up by car by Piet Slaghhuyzen who is a Dutch from Amsterdam and a friend of Jaco.
A few days later, Ina Valstar went to Luxembourg on September 17, 1993, for a ceremony with the Friends of Beelzebub. Sophie Dutreilles had come by car to take her to Clervaux where on September 18, 1993, the young Belgian Jane Deleu was offered to Beelzebub and Ina Valstar drank the blood.
Ina Valstar continued her way of life without bothering much about the death of Jaco Vandervoort or the life of the human traffic victims who she wanted to sell to Geneviève. How can we explain that despite the numerous poisonings Ina Valstar continues to behave like a criminal?
Poison has always been part of ina Valstar’s way of life
Ina Valstar would have poisoned and killed 3 people herself, one in the Netherlands, one in Belgium and two in France, without ever being arrested once.
Longchamps, 17 April 2005
In one of the two cases in France, Ina Valstar would have prepared a poison for Her Highness Princess Jacqueline de Croÿ to take with her to Longchamps. It was a derivative of morphine for the poisoning of Felicia Castle (who is a British citizen from Liverpool and who was in “the madame business” like themselves). Felicia was a witness of one of her girls being pushed by the princess under a car, exactly like she would have done to Laura Walking On Cloud in Montana.
The accident with the car happened in Valenciennes in 2003 to Vivianne Beauling who was an 18,5 year old hooker who worked for Felicia, and who was crushed by a car. It was a hit and run by an accomplice to the princess who ran over the young woman.
Felicia would have received the description of the princess by an eye witness of the so-called accident in the milieu, who is Jean Fauceille (known as Jean La Pipe) who was 33 years of age at the time of the facts.
When the princess found out, that Felicia obtained the information, she would have plotted to kill Felicia on 17 april 2005 in Longchamps, in France, in the house of Madeleine Monbaillu, where the whole Pamplona gang was present. Madeleine Monbaillu is a French woman from Saint Tropez who runs a worldwide modeling business. She was not in her house at the moment of the facts.
Jos Delcroix and Joseph Gheysens would have tied Felicia Castle to the bed, in the sense that they placed handcuffs to her wrists and and her ankles. Then the Princess, who ordered the whole set up, would have given the lethal injection to Felicia who could not move. All she could do was watch her death coming nearer, which is awful. She was dead within seconds, after which they removed the handcuffs.
The police of Longchamps would have drafted a report in which they received an explanation that Felicia became unwell and that she received an injection with a calming substance.
Laura Applegate from Salt Lake city (which is a fake American identity of Paula Donckers) pretended to be the nurse who would have given the injection. Her husband Jos Delcroix travelled as Florent Dubois, a French from Saint Malo. He took up the word.
The police took the couple of Deldo Autobanden to the police station for further questioning. There “Florent Dubous”, placed a phone call, after which they were released.
At the morgue the legal doctors checked the substance in the blood of Felicia, and it was not a calming substance but a poison.
By that time, the whole Pamplona gang was “reebe-de-beep”, as they say in Flemish. They vanished and the French Police never found them again…. because they all were using fake identities.
The house of Ina Valstar is full of dolls over all cupboards and against all walls
The only explanation is the voodoo she practices to bring misfortune to everyone she meets.
However, voodoo is an African religion that works from a distance on an individual’s energy to hurt or destroy him or her. It is a secret practice that is spread throughout Africa, since Islam has strictly forbidden the practice, because of the use of occult forces and also because of the related money extortion associated with it. They impovrish the population.
It was used against the slave traders such as Ina Valstar herself and Sellam Sadki and the whole Pamplona gang. It is also through the African slaves that the same practice has hit the American continent. Brazil, Haiti and Louisiana are the regions where the most powerful priests and witches are produced.
If Ina and her gang from Pamplona are involved in this, it is out of pure racism and out of competition against the Africans who have an advantage in this field, which they will probably always keep compared to the European Satanists, who want to copy everything, also that. However, their interest is limited to stimulating “misfortune”, while true voodoo priests can also stimulate happiness and health.
The incompetence of people like Ina Valstar has led them to resort to the use of violence like terrorism and disease like Covid19 to destroy the others, especially against the African people. The voodoo will therefore guarantee the downfall of the Pampluna gang. For voodoo one also needs the correct name of a person, I have that list and I will make sure that all the voodoo priests get it, all over the world to make her empire falls apart.
May I advise the police to open the dolls to see if Ina Valstar is hiding anything in the dolls, such as money, drugs, poisons, people’s passports and other papers, because hiding things can also be the reason she needs a huge quantity of dolls. The police would also have to check her entire household to know who pays for the gas, electricity, water, internet, TV and heating in her apartment on top of the Sheherazade Lounge, at Stenenbrug 10, 2140 Borgerhout, as well as her public transport with De Lijn.
Further recommendations for the police can be found in my Facebook post for the President of the United States His Excellency Donald Trump, about my letter to His Excellency Ferdinand Graperhuis, the Minister of Justice and Security in the Netherlands about an investigation into the real identity of Ina Valstar based on her marital past.
Six young women who lived in Borgerhout and Brussels were taken to forced prostitution through “Flora Women’s Activities” and have never been found again. Mrs. Ina Valstar would know them all. All it would take is a raid on her apartment at 10 Stenenbrug, 2140 Borgerhout to find at her home the photos and videos of the fashion shows with the victims of sex slavery, and most likely the false identity cards, passports and visas, especially those directly related to the secret bank accounts. . Not only Flora works in this way.
Everywhere in Belgium there are non-profit organizations that work in this way and probably for the same mafia that is developing a worldwide prostitution network, in parallel with international tourism, like the one in Morocco. In my letter to the President of the United States, I also made the financial link with Ghislaine Maxwell’s network.
In conclusion: Ina Valstar is likely the one who poisoned the 10 Thai women who were shipped to Susan Archibald, to infect the people of the USA
Ina Valstar would have prepared the poison for killing Felicia Castle. It is apparently her hobby and she is highly experienced in the field. She is a voodoo practitioner and making poison is a discipline in the voodoo. This is why she is likely the one who would have poisoned the 10 Thai girls who were shipped from Europe to Louisiana.
This case certainly helps answer the question how Covid19 might have been introduced to Wuhan, in China where it all started. Probably via the human traffic and the prostitution. Lots of our hope depends on witnesses of the poisoning of the 10 Thai girls. Only one survived.
The only surviving Thai victim is Linda Thamasungharm, and she has a fashion business in Bangkok selling the designer clothes of Her Royal Highness Princess Sirivannavari. She is married to an American man from Miami who works in the tobacco and she has two children with him. I think the press should ask her what happened to her in 1987, in Belgium.
The other laborious way to catch the conspirators of the coronavirus pandemic is the struggle for the Anaccell solution against Covid19 which is being lead against me by the same gang. However, one will have to choose between the usefulness of drawing up a file with the plagiaries or realizing the solution against Covid19 right away.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Yours sincerely,