The Plastic Revolution

10 min readAug 2, 2018


For His Excellency Jerome H. Powell, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

I have the honor to share a letter to His Excellency Donald Trump about the wealth of the American people being reported as a debt in someone else’s country. It is a research that I felt compelled to do in the context of the 9/11 attacks in 2001, which was attributed to Islamist extremism. The results for so far are indicating that another reason was behind the attacks and not Islam. The reason was a simple bank robbery of which the traces had to disappear in a gigantic fire. The name of the bank is Lehman Brothers and the big fire was caused at the Twin Towers by two air planes on 11 September 2001. The true reason was covered up by the accusation of Osama bin Laden being the brain behind the attacks. The letter to the President of the United States provides details of other possible perpetrators who have never been questions and who might have continued robbing the American banks in various ways after the 9/11 attacks.

The attacks may have something to do with the introduction of the Euro in that same period. The financial crisis in the Euro-zone of the recent years, in which the case of Greece is the most popular, revealed a Troika which is actually played by one solo person and the existence of a financial mafia in Belgium. The European Union (EU) as a whole depends on the financing mechanism in Belgium, where the (EU) is headquartered. That financing mechanism is fulfilling the needs of a very few who are leaving all the rest to exposed to financial difficulties.

“Where are they hiding all the money ?” I have been wondering. Could it be in the credit card companies ? What prompts me to question those is the private debts like those related to the credit cards have never been the object of any discussions during the sovereign debts crisis such as the one in the Euro-zone. While the banks collapsed, or they were saved by the government, and while these are under constant scrutiny and stress tests, the credit card companies seem unaffected by it all. Yet they represent several hundreds of billions USD.

While Mastercard is currently a US company, one must not forget that this was historically a Belgian company. It used to be called Eurocard and it was founded 50 years ago. It was a leader in the plastic revolution which grew to a prestigious competitor of the American Express card.

Here is my analysis which is an excerpt from a special report named Belgium, the Sinkhole of Europe. It was a vigorous response to a Pravda report on the Greek debt, which was entitled “ Greek debt of 330 billion may become Europe’s sinkhole”. Belgium, the Sinkhole of Europeis a title which was not chosen with injurious intentions, but with the intention to refer to the actual owner of the Greek debts, which is a tiny country capable of swallowing the entire planet with it, when something goes wrong in their financial system.

If you look at the historic economic evolution of Europe, you will eventually conclude that Europe has actually been built on a false sense of security. During the past 30 to 40 years, this security consisted of credits that were exchanged amongst the Western countries. Prior to this period, their security consisted of revenues coming from their respective colonial interests, until the wars of independence headed by India.

These wars of independence did not lead to an actual economic independence of the former colonies. The former colonies should have cut the ties in a radical way, but for some strange reasons they didn’t. The colonization regime was simply replaced by development cooperation programs dispensed by the former colonizer in return for the exploitation of the richest natural resources through which the revenues continued to flow into Europe. Through this system, the former colonies became indebted and impoverished instead of rich, while the wealth of the former colonial powers continued to grow.

The North was rich with the resources from the South… Like this, the credibility got artificially reversed. Yet everybody accepted it and even started looking up to the European as if he were a god. So, the good times that Europe has had, have actually always been artificial good times. The bad times that the South has had were artificial bad times.

Masses of North Africans like my father got so impressed by the European bubbles that he migrated with friends to Belgium in 1965, in search for a better life in — what was thought — the richest country in the world, and impressed by the grandeur of the buildings, the impeccable road infrastructure and the availability of cash, food and jobs. Instead of being brought to Justice for the holocaust in Europe and for the massacres committed in the former colonies, the Europeans were rewarded for all that by receiving money from the Marshall Fund for the post WWII Reconstruction of Europe, from the United Nations (Unicef, Unctad) in addition to the profits from the exploitations in Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. Life in Belgium was “so good”. All the North Africans knew was that Belgium was rich, but nobody was questioning where it all came from. I am probably still the only one who one day started wondering “why are they rich and why are we poor”. The question haunted me all my life, until I understood the hypocrisy of it all.

My father did not realize all this when he went to work at the port of Antwerp. He was simply unloading the rubber from the bloody Congo trade and cleaning the containers. My father thought he was working for good and intelligent people, “otherwise they wouldn’t be that rich”. To him they seemed better than the Moroccans because they pay better, they respect lunch time and you get paid vacation, sick leave and all sorts of aids, checks, presents, goodies. 50 years before his emigration, the Belgian colonizers enchained the Congolese in slave camps. Their hands and feet got cut off if they didn’t harvest enough rubber (see book Red Rubber, by E.D. Morel (1906)).The rubber was applied to the production of tires for the flourishing automotive industries, that people like my father found awesome. The city of Antwerp was and still is known for the trade in diamonds, gold, cotton (fashion), tobacco, wheat, sugar, and it even became an oil refinery and a chemicals producer… This very “rich” country that has absolutely nothing of her own.

He also didn’t know that 20 years before his arrival in Antwerp, they were exterminating masses of Jews in order to expropriate their businesses and factories, right there on the same soil where he was standing. Our house was just 20 kilometers away from one of those gas chambers in which the Jews perished. If he had known this, he would have packed up and left this country as fast as he could. Although he can read and write, he was not the kind of man who would go to the library to discover the archives of the country, to understand where he has landed and who these “good and intelligent” people actually are. He never bought one newspaper just to know what is going on in the country. He continued to live like in Morocco and was concerned with going to work, doing works in the house, helping friends and sending money home.

Instead, he brought over his wife and children, only to regret this emigration later because of the racist oppression and the different types of discriminations that became substantial obstacles to the economic and social development of his children, and to the development of his country by his children. In other words, we didn’t get rich, we also perished like the Jews, but without gas. Belgium has been impeding the economic development of Morocco in order to expand her own interests through her cooperation programs in Morocco, so that Belgium remains mighty and most powerful with her development aid, “rich” and “intelligent”.

Starting from the first oil shock in 1973 -1974, Belgium repeatedly fell into recessions, budget deficits and austerity measures. I have known just that. With fewer trade from the Congo, they started borrowing money to survive. I can imagine that Belgium was borrowing from one country to pay the other country, and accumulated the debts like this, ever since, with her ponzy scheme. They had loans and projects coming in from their traditional trade partners the USA, Germany, France, who helped Belgium become the biggest automotive assembly after Michigan. This helped Belgium look credible, and she capitalized on those experiences.

Because of the central location in West Europe, Belgium became a distribution center for many other industries, and specialized in transport, logistics and warehouse technologies. With fiscal advantages she attracted headquarters and coordination centers of big multi-national companies. Belgium achieved the same by becoming a conference center for the politicians and attracted to her country the headquarters of governments like NATO, Eurocontrol and the European Union. There are also American military bases. She did the same with the postal and the courier services, and with the accounting firms. This is how Belgium created an image for herself as an “industrialized” country… but she doesn’t owe it all to herself.

Belgium also tried to become a financial center, but that was Luxembourg’s baby (same royal family like Belgium). Instead of high finance, Belgium positioned as center for foundations with her European Foundation Center. Belgium wanted somehow her grip on the world’s finances to get as much money into the country as possible, and to always be called “rich”. To achieve that, Belgium started developing the banking sector and many credit-based products, like the Eurocard (Visa and Master card). This was called the plastic revolution, when money was replaced by plastic cards. Belgium positioned number one with the bankcard technology. This is the only area in which Belgium shined. She started by attracting SWIFT and other inter-banking services to the country. With those data, Belgium invented a European version of the American Express card, named the Eurocard.

The real intention, of course is to sell credits and to earn interests. As Belgium is a test bed, they encouraged different types of the credit cards to the households and offered advantages to the shops to encourage payments with the credit card against more customers. When people stand at the cashier in the department store they like to open their wallet just to show how many shiny cards they have lined up in the purse just to make the statement “I am rich”. So, there was the social pressure to get a credit card as well, otherwise “you’re backward”.

You may wonder what the private debts must be like in the country that invented Eurocard. They are not talking about that. When the Minister of Finance was asked the question, he answered “the credit card companies have not reported any problems, on the contrary they are doing very well”. Of course the credit card company’s don’t have any liquidity problems. This problem is passed on to the banks. When the credit card companies need more investment, they just charge the card users directly without prior notice. The problem of the credits is for the user to sort out with his or her bank, if he or she can’t pay the bill.

Belgium was also the first to come up with the regular bank card that you can use everywhere today. Some Belgian brands are Banksys, Maestro and Proton. The bank networks and the electronic payment systems are the major services industries that Belgium has developed. Belgium makes money by selling the systems to other countries, and that’s about it. This gives to Belgium indeed the intelligent attributes that prevent the foreign investor from questioning their credibility, their competence, and their capacity to re-fund because “Belgium makes money”… plastic money.

Overall the country was more known for the car industry. Yet, with all the technology and the know-how around, Belgium has never managed to have a car manufacturer of her own. How come ? The extent to which this country was depending on foreign creativity is horrendous. For creativity, you need culture. This is one thing Belgium can’t steal, fake or borrow from someone else. You will understand why when we discuss separatism, apartheid, HIV and cancer.

For more, please read the full report Belgium, the Sinkhole of Europe, which includes a chapter on how the ethnic minorities in France are being manipulated (by a mafioso) to help him loot the funds of Qatar.

I am confident that you will see much better how the plastic revolution fits in the letter to His Excellency Donald Trump, which analyzes the NH Belgium company, when you back reading it again. There is the absence of the

I have identified the possible orchestrator of all these financial manipulations. His name is François Leemans and he from Belgium.

The person who knows all about him is Mr Lucien Leuwenkroon, the President of the Belgium, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Casablanca. He will gladly cooperate with you not only to find Mr François Leemans very quickly but also all the loans which NH Belgium has received from the Lehman Brothers Bank AG. Questions about this, should at least be addressed to him, because he has always been involved international mortgage loans.

You can also count on me for further investigations and for returning every single penny to the people of the United States of America.

Your sincerely,





Written by Nahema

I am an enterprise and a project controls analyst. I develop collaborative enterprise systems and I am investment adviser for a group of Oriental Investors.

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