The Head of Pharaoh Hatshepsut Was Stolen In Egypt, Then Sold For 19. 8 million U$D From the Hands of Jos Delcroix and Lucien Leuwenkroon

14 min readJun 29, 2020


Version française

For His Excellency AbdelFattah Elsisi, Raïs Jamahiriya el Masria, the President of Egypt

In march 1984, Mr Jos Delcroix was in Egypt together with His Excellency Lucien Leuwenkroon. They had an appointment with a banker, possibly in the context of a World Bank business. Or at least that is what they used for entering Egypt. Note that the World Bank is a fake bank.

HE President Donald Trump: Do Fake Banks Matter More Than Black Lives? Oh Yeah?(English — français — Nederlands — español)

They were there for a period of two weeks, and they travelled under false names. Jos Delcroix travelled as Georges Vireilles. Lucien Leuwenkroon travelled as Joseph Bontemps. They were in the possession of fake French passports.

Both men assisted with an excavation in the Valley of the Kings. An egyption helper of the archeologist knew about the discovery of a small statue representing the head of Pharaoh Hatshepsut.

The scientifics were going to organize a temporary unofficial exposition, in which the archeological discoveries will be displayed, not for the general public, only for the archeologists, the historians and the researchers.

One of the Egyptian staff members who accompanied the team of excavators as well as Georges Vireilles and Joseph Bontemps, had leaked a statute which was between 30 and 40 cm long and he took it to Mr Vireilles, and gave it to him against a ridiculous small sum of money.

They told the Customs that it was “a souvenir” from Egypt, and declared nothing

It was only after the excavations finished, when they were making an inventory of all the artwork that was found and which were listed that they realized that the head of Pharaoh Hatshepsut had disappeared. It was stolen.

The two Belgians rushed back to Brussels with the statute. At the customs they were stopped and the officer asked if they had something to declare. They showed the head of Pharaoh Hatshepsut to the customs officer, and they said that it was “a souvenir”. Apparently it worked out very well, including that they were fooling the officer with their fake French passports.

In May 1989 there was an auction in Switzerland in Lugano in which the head of Pharaoh Hatshepsut was sold for 18 750 000 Swiss francs or 19 810 462 USD. The buyer was a very rich American man of which the name is unknown.

15 % of the income went to the auctioneer, the rest was paid to a secret account on Swiss bank, possibly HSBC bank. Given that a very tiny part went to Lucien Leuwenkroon, the major part of the income must have gone to Jos Delcroix or first to his company Deldo Autobanden and then to him under the form a “salary” or “company earnings”.

The wife of Jos Delcroix is Paula Donckers. She has a bank account in Switzerland, most likely in Geneva, under the false name Françoise Snelders, possibly with the HSBC bank.

Another possibility could be the bank account of the Geneva-based International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, a pension fund of all workers of the Red Cross Belgium / la Croix-Rouge de Belgique. That organization has a subsidiary or an affiliation named “Red Cross EU Office” wich is located on the same address of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, which is on chemins des Crets 17 in 1211 Geneva, and on rue de Trèves 59–61 in 1040 Brussels.

I do not rule out a direct link between the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies / Red Cross EU Office, and Jos Delcroix and Lucien Leuwenkroon, since the latter is the President of the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Morocco, and he was the President of Eurochambers as well. In a way, he dominates the Chambers of Commerce on several sides, probably on the financial side and probably through the Red Cross EU Office in Geneva. This is a probable scenario that the financial police should take a close look at, because in any case it is a question of the use of the pensions of the Belgian Red Cross at least.
Extract from Linked In profile of Lucien Leuwenkroon

Red Cross EU Office is an international chamber of commerce falling under activity code 2008/94.110, 94.200, 94.11 for trade unions and employers’ association, and 94.200 which is for labor unions, and thus it is not a real pension fund, but a highly political organisation, to which financial contributions to the Red Cross from governments, foundations, businesses and private individuals flow, which apparently also needs the proceeds from international loot to become big enough for influencing the companies in Belgium and all around the Euro-zone not to engage in multicultural diversity in the work place, for instance, for influencing the labor unions to go on strike in foreign owned companies in Belgium and to request for example higher wages which enrich the pensions and the assets of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies which keeps on this kind of policy going on forever.

You will find more details in “I invite you to meet my neighbours”.

Lettre pour le Commandant Vincent Maes: Je vous invite à rencontrer mes voisins (Nederlands — English — Español)

Another case which illustrates a similar financial confusion is OCHA. Fot an overview how this organization is financially rules by NAZI, I have the honor to share my letter to His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Executive Chairman of the Kingdom Foundation in Saudi Arabia to which I sent a proposition for building centers for excellence in diversity competence and globalization. A corruped employee in his company requested if she can forward to OCHA, but my intention was to allow the Kingdom Foundation to raise the funds for realizing excellence in multicultural diversity, not OCHA. whose owners I don’t know. Do you?

Letter to His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed bin Talal: Sponsor the Allah Ghaleb Book

I have informed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia about the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Geneva, I have put into evidence how the Red Cross serves the purpose of international terrorism and I recommend to close the tap on the entire Red Cross and Red Crescent movement for the sake of our safety.

For H.E. Abdulrahman Bin Suleiman Alahmed, Ambassador of the KSA to Belgium: Please Close the Tap

Jos Delcroix and Lucien Leuwenkroon share other thefts that are often accompanied with multiple murders. A few examples:

His Excellency Donald Trump: 7 Belgians shot dead 6 of 7 unarmed Americans in Baton Rouge

“Murder On The Midnight Express” Is Not A Fantasy

They both cooperate on looting gold and diamonds from the developing countries such as the Congo and South Africa. They each loot in separate ways, but the chances are that the plunder all comes together at Kroon Diamonds, financing company in Antwerp which could be a business shared by Jos Delcroix and Lucien Leuwenkroon. The proceeds from the auction in Geneva likely ended up at Kroon Diamonds, which is something the Belgian Police could verify.

Two dossiers concerning diamonds might be linked to the two men:

One is on the recruitment of diamond cutters in India :

A Recurrent Fraud With Rough Diamonds Leaves One Undocumented Diamond Cutter Dead Through Poisoning

The other dossier concerns the extermination of an entire family of diamond traders in India with a poison, by the hands of the same Jos Delcroix, under a different fake name. 89 people were killed and the man is running around free in Belgium:

Wedding Turned Massmurder. 89 People Died Of Poison On Everything, Including The Bridal CakeGo to this Sway

This is why I would like the republic of Egypt not to hesitate one second for going after these two men and their fortunes.

I will gladly witness against both men at the Supreme Court of Egypt, because they have stolen my intellectual property. For example, Lavazza coffee is the property of His Excellency Lucien Leuwenkroon. Lavazza coffee has revamped their company based on the letters and proposals which I was sending to the government of Morocco to revamp their outdated economy, which makes Morocco standing so weak as a country, indeed, and to the Kingdom Foundation, among others.
View the comparison online

Another property which Egypt might be interested of targeting for making earnings from the tourism the Belgian way, is the NH Hotel Group. It was built on the slavery in Belgium of young students from Thailand. They use these students for getting hold of funds from the European Commission for the Erasmus student exchange programs. To keep the funds for themselves, they bring the foreign students with fake visas and fake indentity cards which makes that nobody knows about their presence in Belgium.

Evidence of Slavery at NH Hoteles Brussels Airport in Diegem

Could you imagine what they will do to the Egyptians? They will probably sell off the Egyptian women and children to the rest of the world as sex slaves, because that is what eventually happened to the women from Thailand, who followed a Belgian husband, who thought they will find a cleaning job in Belgium to earn money. They were practically all subject to disgraceful sexual humiliation, to physical violence from mad men often in groups of at least two, to forced prostitution if they want to eat, and there is no question of earning money.

Letter to Princess Sirivannavari of Thailand: On the Human Traffic With the Thai Women in Belgium

All this is smokescreen behind which there much worse going on. The true reason behind the human traffic is a hunt for food. In Belgium there is still a pre-historic tribe of humans who drink blood of the modern man.

For His Excellency Antonio Guterres: When Drinking Blood of Humans Is Not Considered as Cannibalism (version FR pour Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI)

Jos Delcroix and Lucien Leuwenkroon share the cannibalistic tendency

The reason for the slavery and for stealing so much money is to finance the international terrorism and unrest, for getting hold of humanitarian aid funds, to keep their banks afloat, and for getting hold of international blood.

The trouble makers and the terrorists end up in the asylum centers of the Red Cross in Belgium, in the case the Egyptian police is looking for the chaos mongers, the looters and the murderers of Tahreer Square, during the Arab Spring.

For more about this please read my letter to the President of the United States, His Excellency Donald Trump on the Red Cross telling everybody that “The Rules Are The Rules”, except for them

For His Excellency Donald Trump: At La Croix-Rouge de Belgique They Said the Rules Are the Rules (Brief in English — français — Nederlands)

If you wonder, Dear Excellency President AbdelFattah Elsisi, how I found out about the theft of the head of Pharaoh Hatshepsut, then let me tell you that it was through one undocumented refugee from Egypt at the asylum center of La Croix Rouge de Belgique in Tournai (Belgian Red Cross). One rule I was taught in this asylum center was not to publish the names of the refugees. I am very sorry about that.

The discussion started when I wanted to organize a trip to the Zoo of Antwerp with the refugees. I mentioned that I have seen extraordinary ancient Egyptian artwork at the Zoo of Antwerp, and that I heard about the possibility to admire the artwork from Palmyra in Syria at that Zoo.

That is when the Egyptian told me about the successful tourism in his country causing the theft of loads of artwork being shipped to Europe, without the government being able to stop the hemorrhage. He explained to me that none of the Egyptian art that I have seen in Belgium was bought with money, but stolen with the help of locals who have no morals.

An example is his neighbor, who used to earn money by guiding archaeologists and tourists to the Valley of the Kings. and who threw a party with the extra money he was given by the tourist named Georges and Joseph who he thought were French and who received the head of Pharaoh Hatshepsut. His neighbor built his life and his family by doing this all the time. “It is almost normal when people want to buy a house, when they want a car and when they want to educate their children… I remember the story because he drove my parents and me in his car, which is something that few Egyptians could afford in those years”. He sounded like blaming the leadership, and that is what you will find in all those refugee centers of the Red Cross.

The Head of Pharaoh Hatshepsut Ended In A Jumble Sale

I continued digging up more details. Through a German and a Greek archaeologist I came on track of an antique dealer in Paris 15ème, whose name is Bertrand Lequeil and who has an antique shop. He knows another antique dealer who takes to auctions ancient arts and jewels from Egypt. His name is Michel Lafontaine from LeHavre, who closed this shop in Paris in 2002.

Michel Lafontaine had or still has an antique shop in Brussels (in Saint-Josse) and he dealt with auctioneers in London, Paris, New York and Geneva. Michel was traveling all the time and in the Paris antique community he is known to be a cheater. Michel Lafontaine lives now in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (USA) where he has two properties.

It is most likely that one of the two properties is used by Jos Delcroix, Paula Donckers, Joseph Gheysens, George De Kock, and perhaps some other Belgians too, when they travel to Baton Rouge.

It is also likely that Michel Lafontaine is part of the Ku Klux Klan, and indirectly also of the World Bank, and this last point, beloved Excellency President AbdelFatah Elsisi, explains why they would loot Egypt from all it’s ancient artwork and richess, rather than to trade normally with the people of Egypt, and to pay. with money. Have you ever seen the World Bank, paying money to any country or refunding the contributions to any country? No. The only country which gets “a refund” from the international organizations is Belgium:

The WHO is obliged to reimburse Belgium for unused subsidies… Does your country also get her money back?

They pay with the SDR, which is a currency of racists like the Ku Klux Klan, which is not tied to any country or central bank, but to an evil mafia who is unwilling to accept the Egyptian pound or to value your goods and services with the US Dollar, the Euro , the Swiss Frank or the Yen, to name a few. That means that your country should not do business with them also. It is that simple.

Their ultimate plan with the looting of artwork in Egypt is to prove that Egypt is not a civilized country and that the Egyptians copied the West. They are downright racists, it is best to keep them out of your country, or they will annex it to Israel, one day. That is what they do with the contributions of all the countries to the World Bank, IMF, United Nations, European Central Bank etc.

“Strange Fruit” Will Always Continue To Grow Everywhere With the Seed Money From Belgium

I am studying how the Anna Lindh Foundation fits in this picture, but my capacity of handling the load has been impaired a long time ago, precisely by the above-mentioned bunch of evil people. In fact, it would be better just to shut it down.

I made my story known to the Kingdom of Morocco, I wrote an impossible number of letters to make clear that humanitarian aid and development cooperation will never come from “these people”.

They said I was of no added value to their society (français — Nederlands — English — español)

Meanwhile, may I request you, Your Excellency President Elsisi, to support my cause to shut down the Belgium-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Casablanca, and to influence the Kingdom of Morocco to do this as quickly as possible. It will change a lot to our well-being and to the economic, financial and social stability in our countries. I thank you very much.

For the President of the United States: Supporting Elements for Closing CCBLM in Casablanca

To end this letter, I would like to suggest to join the Center for Moroccan International Alliances which conducts audits and prepares lawsuits to claim damages from the Belgian State and/or from the perpetrators for the violation to a world cultural heritage site through the theft and the smuggling of ancient art work. The damage should include the income which Egypt lost for the tourism sector, and which moved to another country by moving the sightseeing opportunities to another country, at least since 1956, when the Zoo of Antwerp was officially founded. That said, I would also claim back all the stolen art work because they belong in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt and not in Belgium or anywhere else.

Find out more about the highly lucrative earnings for the tourism sector of the Kingdom of Belgium in “Who (the Hell) is Selling the Sun to Whom?” Please pay attention in that study to how the absolute versus relative tourism sector size is in relation to the GDP of Belgium. They make an awful lot of money with a minuscule tourism sector, compared to the mega-size of the Moroccan tourism sector which produces deficits.

From Old to New Morocco

I will get back to you as soon as I have more information. To New Egypt, Inshallah!

Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours sincerely, Salam fi rahmatu Allah wa barakatu





Written by Nahema

I am an enterprise and a project controls analyst. I develop collaborative enterprise systems and I am investment adviser for a group of Oriental Investors.

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