New Elements In Murder Of Tamara Harper in December 1989, in Austin — Tx
His Excellency Donald Trump
The President of the United States, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
I have the honor to share with the White House, the CIA, the FBI, His Excellency Gregg Abbott, the Governor of Texas, His Excellency Steve Adler the Mayor of Texas, and Captain Brian Manley, Chief of the Austin, Texas, Police Department, His Excellency Andrew Cuomo, the Governor of New York, His Excellency Bill de Blasio, the Mayor of New York, and Captain Terence A. Monahan, the Chief of Department for the New York City Police Department my letter For His Excellency President George Vella, the President of Malta, concerning the murder of a six months old Belgian baby in Malta, in La Valetta, in July 1991 by five adults who drank it’s blood.
The five adults are Her Highness Princess Jacqueline de Croÿ, Jos Delcroix, Joseph Gheysens, Lucien Leuwenkroon, and Paula Donckers. They have all been traveling regularly to the USA, they might be green card holders unless they use fake American identities.
Paula Donckers is the mother of the child that was murdered by the five. Paula is married to Jos Delcroix. Both are the owners of Deldo Autobanden in Antwerp.
When investigating for previous crimes by this woman, I found out that she may have intentionally murdered with a knife a young unarmed African American woman who refused to do business with her, in Austin, Texas.
May I request to the Austin Police Department to verify the following information:
In December 1989, Paula Donckers, was in Austin, Texas, She had an appointment in the bar with an African American woman named Tamara Harper about money laundering involving funds from shares that Paula sold to the woman she was meeting.
She asked the woman to whitewash the money through diamonds from a jeweler in New York (USA) named Lôwenstein.
Tamara Harper refused what Paula requested her to do. The conversation turned into a fight with words. They went outside to continue the argument. Paula became very angry to the point that she killed Tamara Harper. Paula would have stabbed the woman 7 times, 3 times in the chest, two times in one lung and two times in the heart.
One witness, who was a woman, who was inside the bar, followed them to see what was happening. The witness saw everything.
Paula did not notice that someone was watching; until after having stabbed 7 times Tamara Harper. The witness tried to take the knife from Paula’s hands. Then, Paula began to stab the witness twice in the arm. The witness ran back to the bar and although wounded, she rang the police. They were there very quickly.
Paula remained standing at the scene. She would have wounded herself in her right arm, to pretend that she was attacked by Tamara Harper who died of her wounds at age 34.
The name of the woman who came to rescue Tamara is Sarah Matthews and she was 27. She is also described as a person with a brown skin, or possibly as an African — American.
Paula Donckers has stayed in the Mount Sinai hospital in Austin for 3 days. She was also taken to the police office. There they received a phone call from a very high placed person at the Belgian embassy who requested to let Paula Donckers go home to Belgium.
Paula Donckers was arrested under a different name that I did not receive from that witness, but though another witness I found out about the fake identities which Paula Donckers uses:
Ina Valstar is said to have disclosed that Paula Donckers would have a total of six different fake identities, each with a matching identity card, and passports corresponding to six different nationalities, to a Polish lady who was lured to Belgium to work as a carer in a retirement home. The Polish young lady realised very early on that she would end up in a prostitution network. She began to speak to me about this after discovering the cruel racism in Belgium, also against the Polish people. I was stunned.
Under the false name of Françoise Snelders, she would have a bank account in Switzerland, probably with the HSBC Bank. If this is correct, I do not exclude a direct connection with the Geneva-based International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, a pension fund of all the employees Red Cross Belgium. You will find more details in “I invite you to meet my neighbours”.
Mrs Paula Donckers would have a fake name in Liechtenstein, namely “Georgette Deschambres”. The other four names are: the Russian Olga Simonova, the German Mathilde Schröder, the American Katie Summers and the French Germaine Beaufils.
It is likely that Paula Donckers would have used her American fake identity “Katie Summers” for murdering Tamara Harper in Austin, Tx.
She obviously would have remained untraceable for the police if she was wanted for a financial fraud, such as the motive behind the murder on Tamara Harper, which involves shares sold to Miss Harper, which could be fake shares too.
Another possible example may concern the pensions of the Belgian workers, among other peoples, which an American named Katie Summers would have robbed. The fake name might also be used for the counterfeiting of visas and passports, the sales of these items to undocumented migrants, and their usage in the human traffic as would apparently be the case in the recent arrival in Antwerp of 11 young women from Morocco, Mauritania and Algeria.
This is how I found out — still through the Polish lady who knows Ina Valstar very well — that on 7 April 2020, Paula Donckers had 11 young women from Morocco, Mauritania and Algeria smuggled to Belgium. Paula has people in those countries working for her to find the victims, including a colonel. The women would have arrived via Hamburg in Germany, where they were first put to work. They would have been transported by car (like a minibus) to a villa in Schilde (Antwerp).
In the past, Ina was the “madam” who was allowed to receive the girls when they arrived in the port of Antwerp or Rotterdam. Not anymore. It was precisely to prevent this type of betrayal that Paula Donckers partly took over the role of Ina Valstar in the forced prostitution of foreign women. However, something must have happened between the two women that made Ina to talk so much.
The girls from Morocco, Mauritania and Algeria, were scattered over various cities throughout Belgium to work as prostitutes. When they see that a girl doesn’t generate enough money, she is eliminated. That means she is murdered.
This case highlights the capacity of Paula Donckers to force cruel acts on others and to commit a murder, and that the stabbing to death of Tamara Harper was not a legitimate defense, but a premeditated attack with racist motives as an aggravating factor, all the more that she stabbed a by-stander who tried to take the knife from her hands. Was that a legitimate self-defense too?
Forcing foreign women into prostitution is also racism. Given that I have experienced racism from Paula Donckers during more than 40 years, I am willing to testify against Paula Donckers at the Supreme Court of the United States to highlight this detail about her in the total of charges against her in this country. I want to come now if needed. She was at the source of unfounded legal trouble for me in Belgium.
These were the new elements in the murder of Miss Tamara Harper and in causing injuries with knife on Miss Sarah Matthews.
For what concerns Jos Delcroix, the husband of Paula Donckers, he was mentioned in a gigantic financial scandal named Superclub involving a video-rental business, the pensions of the coal mine workers in Belgium, and a football club. It is the only case with his name in it, known by the Belgian people.
During the past 30 years, I have been gathering many more dossiers against him, involving financial scandals, including in the USA, such as the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) — AWEX — Texas A&M Public-Private-Partnership (PPP), which I think is the cause of the global Covid-19 pandemic, which you think started in China. I think it started in the USA, to cause the whole world to point the finger to every American in the world. The Covid-19 is also racism given that the majority of the victims in the USA are the African-Americans and the Hispanics.
It was a fake project, because I wrote the plans for the real project which I intended with Université Libre Internationale, a university in Brussels which was headed by Africans. I suspect the couple Jos Delcroix and Paula Donckers to have robbed it and taken all of it to Texas A&M.
They just can’t stand it that the daughter of their doorman has better plans than a tyres company and shipping human being accross the world for making money with the sex-slavery like they do.
May I request to the United States of America to apply the law in force in Texas for assassinations. Given that the financial fraud which Paula Donckers requested to Tamara Harper to do, may have occurred in the context of the financing of internatonal terrorism in the period of 1989 and 1991 in various countries in the World, especially in Afghanistan, may I request to apply the Nice Measure which consists of freezing all the assets of Paula Donckers as well as to the first degree members of her family?
May I request the President of the United States of America to apply the Nice Measure also on the suspension of the green cards including the ones under a fake name of all the five people who are mentioned above in the case of the Belgian baby of six months which was killed and of which the blood was consumed in Valetta in Malta. My analysis of that case shows that the victim was possibly a little princess.
I will advise the local Belgian authorities today about the murder by Paula Donckers in Austin. Follow me on Facebook for more news.
I deeply thank you, Your Excellency Donald Trump, the President of the United States. I also thank the Governors, the Mayors and the Police of Texas and New York.
Yours sincerely,