Is Samsung Belgium helpless or
useless ?

10 min readJan 2, 2024


For His Excellency Han Jong-hee, Group CEO of Samsung Electronics Ltd.

I received a Christmas present at the public library from a retired librarian who doesn’t like technology at all. It is a Samsung 54A, 5G. I keep the package unopened and sealed to sell it.

To be honest, I wanted to make my family, my friends and relatives happy with good food and a few presents for the New Year, and I have had no money for over 10 years to do that. I also need to purchase connection to the Internet to get online. The sale of the brand new smartphone would make this possible. I am from Morocco and I became homeless and destitute in Belgium.

This could also happen to Samsung if you do not watch out. In this country you will earn and live well if you engage in cheating everybody else until you have no more morals like many out there.

I went to shops like Cash Converters and they requested proof of purchase. The donor wants to protect his private details. I will never get that proof of purchase. All I can do is to contact Samsung Belgium to see if they can verify and provide something that helps me sell it, like a warranty.

I have the honour to send my conversation with customer service of Samsung Belgium. They are not helpful. They are unwilling to verify based on the serial number, if the item was sold, given that they must keep track of this number in case of return to the factory for failures or repairs, and which mobile operators also need to couple to the SIM number. I don’t know what they are keeping track of at Samsung Belgium. How come they cannot find the IMEI of my device?

Is Samsung Belgium helpless or useless according to you? (Nederlands)

The package I received says “Made in India”. In the past I detected sweatshops in that region in which they start by producing cheaply big fashion brands, lets’s say Versace, Gucci, Chanel etc.

After a while, they continue reproduction of masses with another logo or series outside the quantity requested by the licence holder. That margin is exported by gangs who used the products (like luxury goods, fruits and vegetables) for covering up a shipment of humans, drugs or weapons. Here is a case involving counterfeit Louis Vuitton hand bags.

Lucien Leuwenkroon was spotted at a hotel in Antwerp today, possibly related to forging transport documents such as the one in 2007 involving the human trafficking of 9 Arab girls (Nederlands — français)

They buy the premises for building a plant through the poor migrant workers in Belgium who apply for social housing. They give them forms to fill in, in which they require that you declare any real estate you own including in the country of origin, in order to qualify for social housing. As a matter of fact, you must not be a home owner in any another country and you must stay that way if you want to benefit from social housing during many decades.

Most migrant workers arrive as uneducated cheap labor forces, they often cannot read or write, and when they do, they don’t know the local language sufficiently, and they just fill out the form honestly to have a home as quickly as possible, especially when small children are involved. It’s this or it is homelessness.

For His Highness Tameem bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar. Copy for His Highness Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud: Since fifteen days, there is no more heating in the social housing complex Woonhaven “Twee Netenstraat” in 2060 Antwerp, and it is freezing (Nederlands — Français)

They appreciate the social system and they think it is to do good for the people. They do not suspect that the information they provide will be used against them by the World Bank /UNIDO mafia who goes after their properties for developing tourism industry and for eaning those revenues, which keeps their country of origin poor.

The income from tourism in several countries that depend on tourism, especially in and around the Mediterranean (such as Morocco, Spain, Tunisia, Greece, Italy and Turkey) makes spending on social housing, social benefits and social tariffs for electricity heating, telephone, transportation, etc. represent almost nothing compared to that income. The social system is part of a business system in the hands of a tiny few who get rich this way.

Counterfeiting big foreign brands is intended to empoverish the country of origin of the brand to cause migration of its citizens in search of a job, to give them a social house in Belgium or in the EU, to go after their properties through seizures, for instance, in the case of non-payment of fines.

It Turns Out The Summons To Pay Against Kpn-Orange Was A Hoax (français — Nederlands)

There is only one chamber of commerce in the world which deals with the coordination of unqualified and illiterate migrant workers who travel illegally, albeit with forged identity cards, forged passports and forged visas to find a job in the black, in the West.

This chamber of commerce deals with exploitation of people, countries and their natural resources. The main objective of that chamber of commerce is to amplify the social sector in Western economies by importing migrants to abuse them in order to loot government subsidies such as the European Social Fund. In other words, this chamber of commerce engages in human trafficking and prostitution especially in the global tourism sector.

That same chamber of commerce deals with counterfeit, secret accounts in foreign countries with fake identities and passports. It deals with contraband of weapons, drugs smuggling and international terrorism such as bombings on factories after having made the money that they want.

It is the Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Casablanca, Morocco. If there is a question of counterfeit with Samsung devices, then this is the first place to look into. It must have all the information about shipments of counterfeit produced anywhere in the world.

La CCBLM de M. Lucien Leuwenkroon représente toute la Belgique et Luxembourg?Ga naar deze sway

I am requesting support to shut down this chamber of commerce and the immediate departure of its foreign staff in Morocco and the arrest of its president who is Mr Lucien Leuwenkroon.

The international crimes by François Leemans, a Belgian causing an estimated total of 7650 murders in the world

He murdered or helped murder his own mother in Valenciennes in France, in 1987 to get hold of her diamond jewelry and of company shares she was holding, among others of Delhaize Le Lion in particular. He had been arrested under another name, Thierry Souchon. How he was released was a big question until I had recently discovered through another file that Princess Jacqueline de Croÿ and Baron Guy de Wouters van Oplinter (of La Société Générale in Paris) regularly intervene when a Belgian is detained abroad for crimes..

Imagine what he does to people who are not his family, especially when they are not white Europeans. He cuts them in pieces and feeds them to the wild animals. That is what one must expect from the president of the Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.

Extreme hatred is when humans are fed to the crocodiles (Nederlands — français)

This gives you an idea of who the people are who make the Belgian welfare system grow with human trafficking to unsustainable proportions, to the point of collapsing when something goes wrong in the supply chain that involves counterfeiting big brands. The main elements that constitute this economy are, high debts, subsidies for everything, a very large social services sector, a lot of socially oriented non-profit organisations and NGO’s for international cooperation, that they include in the figures of company creation/failure and start-ups. All these decisions for Belgium come from Casablanca and not from Brussels.

You will find out more about the impact on Belgium of the Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Casablanca in “The Real Economic Situation in Belgium

Special Report: The Real Economic Situation of Belgium

There is no end to the abuse, to the degree that even a Christmas present seems suspicious and that one is prompted to have it checked before using it, even when it is for free.

My suggestion to His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco is to pay social assistance to every Moroccan who needs it no matter where he or she lives in the world through the Vanilla Finance Card. It is a credit card linked to the central bank of the country of origin to guarantee social coverage, health care, student grants, insurances and any social expenditure to helps our people get developed and stay healthy for supporting the economy no matter where they function. The Vanilla Finance Card involves the rework of the Moroccan tourism industry as well as Magrexit (see further down). That will stop the abuse against out people.

(pub) Briefing of 12 September 2023 for His Majesty King Mohammed VI on the Wouters who would finance the Ku Klux Klan, the Vanilla Finance Card, Magrexit and Belgian sovereign debt

The mafia starts a factory with false identities, with a nationality other than their own, obviously to eliminate all traces to Belgium. Here is where the proceeds from sales of contraband goes to. It’s more common than we think that people have secret bank accounts with fake identities, particularly in Belgium.

The secret bank accounts of a mafia in Belgium (français — español — Nederlands)(22 March 2022 update)

For avoiding leaks and eliminate witnesses of counterfeit production, they set fire to the factory with all the workers still inside, or they cause the building to crash on top of them, as if it were an accident. That is how they make more money than Samsung does. They have a fiscal lawyer and a fake princess protecting them for doing this.

For: HRH Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman: Paying the Puppets with the Sweat Shops in Mumbai (français)

In mobile technology it should be easy to keep track of each smartphone sold anywhere in the world. I received answers from Samsung Belgium that are devoid of smartness. They don’t even want to check if the product I have is real or counterfeited. Instead of directing me to the manufacturer, Josephine (the customer service assistant at Samsung Belgium) keeps sending me back to the person who gave me the gift, as if she is the authority, as if she has all the answers to the kinds of questions I ask.

Therefore, I think I received a contraband and counterfeit Galaxy 54A. I keep the package unopened until I receive clarity or instruction to hand it to the police. When it comes to Samsung Belgium, they are clearly not doing the job of defending the brand they represent and work for. They don’t seem to care if the item was counterfeited, because this is Korean and they are human traffickers, pimps in other words.

When the Koreans become poor, they can start the trafficking of women and children with the objective to colonise Korea, just like described further above, through tourism and prostitution of Korean women in the rich Western countries. They achieve their goal by giving everyone HIV.

Whether kamikaze or pinup, It’s ultimately to make a beast of you like himself (français — Nederlands — español)

I am suggesting to do distribution and customer support through North Africa to give people a better service and to cause real global growth for Samsung. It will definitely help our big Magrexit project which is to cause migrants to leave Belgium en masse, to go home with a job.

This is how their call centre will look like soon after Magrexit

Learn more about Magrexit

(pub) The Magrexit Step by Step (français — Nederlands)

The facilitator for this transformation is the Centre for Moroccan International Alliances which prepares investment baskets involving enterprises, people and program financing for wealth creation at all levels of society, and not just one.

Press Release : The CMIA — Digital Unity — Vanilla Finance Card Composite Français — English — Espanol — Nederlands

Instead of saving time by buying prepared food and to tweet my work, I baked a cake for New Year’s Eve, with what we already have, like lots of oranges, mangoes and lemons. It’s cheap and easy to make.

I wish Samsung a happy and prosperous 2024, more by cutting the cost of distribution and customer support in Belgium than by earnings with the sales of genuine products.

Thank you for your attention. If you need more information, you can contact me by email to

Yours sincerely,

Naima Mouali

Center for Moroccan International Alliances

Happy New Year 2024 — The Latest News from United Chambers




Written by Nahema

I am an enterprise and a project controls analyst. I develop collaborative enterprise systems and I am investment adviser for a group of Oriental Investors.

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