His Excellency Donald Trump
The President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
I hope my letter finds you well. I congratulate you for many historic decisions that you have taken recently which bring true change to the world, such as the meeting with His Excellency Kim Jong Un of North Korea, such as your preference to defended the American trade over signing a statement at the G7 meeting in Canada , and such as the withdrawal of the USA from the UN Human Rights Council yesterday. It is not by following the pack that the transformation begins.
However I am very concerned about the South American children who have been separated from their families and who are detained at the border of Mexico. To me it sounds like human traffic.
I am very familiar with separation from the parents, and what is more cruel is the brainwashing of one of the parents against the children. It happened to my family in Belgium. If the Trump administration is not familiar with the brainwashing of the parents to treat their children like intruders or like profiteers, to push them out of the house with hateful speech, and then complain about it to everyone that the children have totally abandoned their parents, if your administration is not familiar with this, then the policy of separating migrant families does not come from Washington, but from an administration much closer, here in Brussels.
I get goosebumps everywhere on my body when I hear a child crying for mummy or daddy, and this only in normal times, leave alone in times of a migration crisis like the terrible ones we see in Europe, with millions of people fleeing the armed conflicts around the Mediterranean Sea.
Here in Europe, I guarantee that the migration crisis is orchestrated with money (the candidate has to pay for the trip) and with promises for a better life in Europe. With a very well organized poverty which reaches the central banks of the countries of origin, it is a sure bet the migration will be massive.
I have never been to South America, but I can read the balance sheets of their central banks. I am not surprised that there are masses of young South Americans who try to get in the United States or in Canada, for as more than 90 % of the balance sheets of their countries is expressed in SDR and less than 10 % is in their local currency. You can’t even used the SDR for tourism in any country. If they would stop using the SDR, and use a cryptocurrency, I think that will help the solution to stop the illegal immigration everywhere, also in Europe.
From hearing the press, Your Excellency Donald Trump, it sounds like you don’t have a heart. I would like to test you on this as the most power leader in the world :
I have been sending around a list of crimes concerning Mr François Leemans, a Belgian citizen who has been a serial killer for the past 36 years at least, who is involved in killing over 7650 people around the world, who has never been caught, and who continues to travel freely for his business. He has never been caught because he uses a different identity for murdering people just for the fun. He travels with false visas and passports.
According to the witnesses who helped me gather all the details about his business which consists of drug trafficking, weapons trade, armed robberies, fake lawsuits, falsification of visas and passports and the trade of these items, embezzlement of government funds, all sorts of financial fraud, international terrorism, above all human traffic and sex trade.
Allow me to refer to my letter about the Peace Plan II in which I reported about Mr Leemans pushing a woman from the 23rd floor in Las Vegas in 1995 and a Moroccan woman from the 6th floor In Tunis in 1984. In this way, no DNA test on the bodies or on his clothes can assert that he massacred anybody, but a re-examination of his DNA in the genitals of the victims will. You will find all of this in the list of crimes, to which I continue to add information after I have asserted the link with Mr François Leemans.
For raising vast amounts of money from the falsification and the trade of visas and passports, the international terrorism, the human traffic and the sex trade, he needs an awful lot of desperate migrants. This is why I stated above that the migration crisis is orchestrated by an orchestrator, just like the related poverty and the transvestism of the central banks with the SDR, are also orchestrated.
I have never seen him, but there are witnesses who have seen him in Northern Ireland, where he made most of the victims, causing 3568 deaths, including a banker from Luxembourg. He must have caused the migration to the USA of many thousands of Northern Irish people who united with their families either already in the USA or who joined them later. While migration and fleeing can happen to everyone, I have never heard of Northern Irish children being separated from their families. Why does it happen to the South Americans ?
On this list you will also find a heartbreaking and highly unsettling fact that Mr Francois Leemans was involved in an auction of children in Thailand, during which he bought three children. He raped the two children afterwards. He was accompanied by a second Belgian who might be able to tell you how Mr François Leemans precisely looks like.
Could he be by any chance the same orchestrator who separated the South American Children at the border of Mexico ?
All I know about François Leemans is that he is from Antwerp, where he has a ship, possibly for transporting victims from Morocco. I recently broadcasted a Coast Guard Alert : Fruit Carrier Sirius II Carries Moroccan Kids from Casablanca to Rotterdam.
There is an area of Antwerp named Schipperskwartier, which is full of these victims. Some attention from the press might be helpful for resolving the human traffic in this area :
I had a conversation about it with a Moroccan woman who was accidentally strolling in that area where she discovered the streets full of Moroccan women. She couldn’t believe her eyes and many other Moroccans are very surprised that this could happen with Arab women. I met this Moroccan witness twice in a school where her daughter goes to and where I use the wifi.
The first time when we met, we discussed life in general in this country. “They are wasting our lives”, she remarked. I warned her that the reason for doing this to us is to lead us into the cruel prostitution, with the impression that our lives will improve with that. I warned her about taking on cleaning jobs or any job in a Belgian company because it might lead directly to the prostitution. She looked at me with disbelief.
The second time she came running to me to tell how much she was thinking of our conversation of the other day. “It is true, what you said. I have been to a place named Schipperstraat, and I was shocked to find only Arab girls, Moroccans”. She was even more shocked when I said that they bring boats full of women and children.
That whole area of Antwerp is full of people with fake visas and passports, Your Excellency President Donald Trump !
If they had real papers, they would also have a social security number and they would be taxed. They probably don’t have any papers apart from the fake visas and passports, “because they move the girls around by airplane, to work abroad, and to bring cash money from everywhere” Miss Dongmo explained to me. I wrote to you before about Miss Dogmo the wannabee air hostess, when Twitter and Google were being attacked by hackers in Belgium, who called me “bitch”.
Miss Dongmo is the puppet of the orchestrator and she is from Cameroon, a country of which the orchestrator put the central bank in the north of Europe so that all the Cameroonians will have to come here if they want a little bit of money. That is “the system”. It’s the system for stuffing up Leemans Kredieten with cash and for keeping some Belgian bakeries afloat and not the others.
The purpose of this letter is to encourage an investigation for finding the people who run “the system” and who I have been covering up for during 30 years, ever since I was arrested, because I don’t know who they are. They used me for covering up their crimes :
At the end of 1990, I was arrested and accused of the falsification of visas and passports, and of the sales of these items to undocumented Moroccan migrants who were illegally working in the Belgian agriculture, also of human traffic with white marriages, and terrorism.
However, the undocumented migrants were already in Belgium and they were working in the tomato green houses owned by Belgian farmers. They brought the migrants with the false visas, not me.
The undocumented Moroccans were used as slaves, just like the whole of Morocco is being used like slaves by the Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Casablanca. Learn will learn more about the slavery in the Moroccan strawberry gate.
For what concerns the second person who accompanied him to Bangkok, I have no name and no idea who he might be. All I can provide for the moment is a detail in the context of the financing of international terrorism with human traffic :
I came across a case of slavery involving Thai hospitality students at the NH Hoteles in Diegem, (Belgium), the Erasmus Mundi program of the European Union, and the Ceria-Coovi a school for the social promotion of the adults in Anderlecht (Brussels).
Some 40 students were being flown in from Thailand, every 6 months, mostly females between the age of 18 and 24, to fulfill “internships”. Based on one of the 40 students, it was actually slavery which I have been observing between 2005 and 2006.
In the recent days, I have been digging the case more, initially to know if the students were smuggled into Belgium illegally, and given falsified identity cards by the commune of Zaventem where the student were lodged, on Landbouwstraat 30, in 1900 Zaventem.
I needed this detail to overthrow a judgement of 1998 by the Antwerp Criminal Court, condemning me to pay an expensive fine for a crime that I have never committed, which is to help undocumented immigrants reside in Belgium with falsified visas.
I never accepted the judgement obviously, all the more that many defense lawyers were indicating that “the system” was taking innocent people for covering up the big responsible people. “Well thanks very much”, but if in this country they find this a normal practice, then quitting it is the best option.
Who is “the system” ?
Zaventem is providing clues of who “the system” is and where the true perpetrators might be. Just like I found 40 students being used as slaves and illegally employed in the hotel industry in Zaventem, in the same way I will also find that they were all illegally residing in Belgium, and given falsified ID cards by this municipality, God willing.
There is a connection with the hospitality sector which involves the hotels and the tourism, but a further research reveals that the slavery element applies to the prostitution and to the pedophilia as well, and that it is part of an HIV contamination program.
There is also a strong connection with the migration. On Zaventem district there is an airport and there is also a detention center for the immigrants who arrive in Belgium undocumented. It is located in the commune of Steenokkerzeel. This detention center was in the news today, because of civil right activists protesting against the detention of children in that center. The movement is hashtagged “ #NotInMyName “ on Twitter.
So, when your administration issued the policy of separating the families, I was hurt yes, but not impressed or surprised by this very bad option, because it was nothing new. I am used to hearing this all the time in Belgium, but what happens in this country never gets the kind of international media attention like the USA. That is why everyone was shocked when the Trump administration decides anything like this, but not when some hidden mafioso decides to blow up the families of all the immigrants in Belgium.
Could you please make sure, Your Excellency President Donald Trump,, make sure that Belgium and the culture in this country gets as much attention like you do, from today onward ? I thank you very much.
Historically the victims are mostly Thai and Moroccan in Belgium. For what concerns Morocco, the whole history of migration has to be viewed under the light of sex slavery which starts in Belgium and which ends in the Moroccan tourism sector.
Belgian children too are victims of the sex slavery and the Dutroux case highlights a pain in this country which will likely never heal. Despite the reforms in the judicial system between 1996 and today, the trend of missing children continues to rise… And this is because the protectors of Marc Dutroux have never been caught. In 2004, the Belgian justice decided that there was no pedophilia network involved in the disappearances, the sexual abuse and the murder of Julie, Melissa, An and Eefje. The stopped all the searches ever since.
How come that I find a sharp increase of East Europeans — mostly from Romania — currently being exploited sexually on the Belgian prostitution market ? How come that I noticed (in subtle ways) unease around me, after I have tweeted that the people of Latin America were targets of human traffic in Belgium.
Do you think this has something to do with the kids at the border of Mexico ? I am asking the question because there was a coffee pest in Central America 2013, which I attribute to the Lavazza coffee company and Venezuela is mentioned in the list of crimes, which re-built because the original one, which more complete features on Allah Ghaleb website, which is currently suspended following complaints against privacy infringements. The Allah Ghaleb website is dedicated to all the characteristics of the Enemy. Are we supposed to never discover the Enemy unless a war takes place ?
Please Your Excellency President Donald Trump, please show your heart.
Thank you.