NL — FR — EN — ESP
With reference to my previous post about an “Opportunity to Catch the Financiers of Hatred”, I have the honor to share my findings and my conclusion:
I have been to Clinique Verbist, the dental care supplier of La Croix Rouge de Belgique on 14 November 2019, and everything went as planned. When you enter the dental shop, which is a very tiny shop of 20 square meters, you would not imagine how very big it is once you go past the reception. I was impressed with the state-of-the-art dental workshops, totally white, with very high quality of design and with everything that a dentist needs for doing a good job.
The number of dentists who are working there must be numerous, but there is no list of doctors and that is not so good. It is a clinique of which the medical staff is unknown.
I was received by a young dentist who seems to do his job very well. I explained that all I want is to cleanse the dentition as my mouth has not seen a dentist for 9 years. I also wanted a report on the state of my dentition before he starts a tooth job.
As this was my first visit, he suggested that we take X-rays of the whole dentition. I asked if I could take the X-rays home. He answered, “no, because we need to keep them in our office”.
Once arrived at the X-ray machine, the doctor was told that the machine was out of order today. I knew that it was not a coincidence, but the doctor was surprised. “This never happened before”, he said. In that case, he began with the removal of the tartar and no anesthesia.
I was surprised at how well I was able to stand the challenge of having all those dental instruments applied to my teeth, I did not feel pain and I did not bleed. The condition of my teeth was not so bad. They remained well preserved despite the hard times that I was facing personally since 2007 when I received my last unemployment paycheck. I never had sufficient money to have my teeth done afterward. I was keeping money aside to have a minimal treatment and to pay the full tariff without health care coverage.
When he finished his job, I asked for his observations. He asked me why I had so many fillings. I replied, “because I was going to a dentist who was making holes in my teeth” (and who was lying to me). My teeth problems actually began when I decided to stick to the dental care refund program of the government if you visit your dentist every year. My teeth problems stopped when I stopped going to the Belgian dentists altogether. I think my whole life will also be much better when I stop being in Belgium too. I knew this since I was a child.
He asked me why I had so many fillings because underneath the tartar which has been building up for nearly 10 years, and which he removed, there were no carries to be found. I knew this because if there were carries, I would feel it when the sugar or the ice touches my teeth. He had asked me the question because the absence of carries is not logical in proportion to the fillings.
He also noted that I had half a tooth in the back which needs to be filled. I explained that the previous dentist began drilling like a mad man because another doctor had noticed a tooth decay which he failed to treat. I had to bite on my tongue that my dentist in the past was a bastard and an M.F.
I thanked the doctor for his job and I insisted on a medical prescription for relieving sensitivity that I expect to feel in certain areas in the mouth, after the cleansing. This is how I got hold of a binding document with a date, an address, a name and a signature that proves the link with La Croix Rouge de Belgique :
I explained to the doctor that other clients were not as lucky as I was. When I told him that some refugees were surprised by the removal of one or more teeth at the same time, the doctor defended his company by explaining that in some cases it is necessary, for example when placing braces, to make room for them, and to take out teeth. As he went further, he also said “… but La Croix-Rouge de Belgique does not intervene financially in orthodontics”.
So, it is quite possible that teeth are removed from the refugees with malicious intent, just like landmines are placed to make people lose their limbs, and that there are hooligans like Dr. Jean-Pierre Leva, among the dentists.
When I left the clinic, I found other residents of the camp in the waiting room at the reception desk. When they returned to Tournai, I asked them what it was like.
They were satisfied. “Did the doctor give a paper or a ticket”, I asked a very intelligent young man from Lebanon. He frowned his forehead and said, “no, actually not”. “That’s what it’s all about. There is no evidence that you went to that very clinic, and there are customers (refugees) from whom they pulled out teeth that are fine,” I explained. “Thanks for saying that, now I’m going to pay attention,” he said.
No medical records = no identity for an undocumented refugee
The Belgian Red Cross covers all the medical expenses. The client or refugee pays nothing, and he or she sees no invoices or price tickets. Some clients may feel relieved to be exempt from paying fees.
For example, in the asylum center, there is a Tunisian woman who is very happy with an operation on her heart, all the costs are covered by the Belgian Red Cross. The lady — a mother of four teenagers — is convinced that she is in good hands.
However, in many cases, asylum seekers and refugees do not really have a medical file known to the authorities as they are not covered by the National Mutual Health Fund (INAMI — RIZIV) and they are not registered in the population register.
It is therefore likely that there is no history of cases with the national health authorities of medical tasks performed on patients. Host country and home country governments know nothing about health cases, including those related to armed conflict, war crimes and torture in the countries of origin or else.
However, hospitals provide documents on visits and treatments to be kept by the patient. Only, the Belgian Red Cross does not necessarily keep them, as in the example of GAMS (see the previous post) which was in the trash, even if the Belgian Red Cross officially has the status of an infirmary or a hospital.
Nor do they have any records of the medical errors that can occur to asylum seekers and refugees, who also do not have any legal recourse against abuse because they do not have documents.
The administrative quality is very low, perhaps even lower than in the poorest developing countries. If they continue to work on undeclared or unknown medical cases, the Red Cross will eventually import Ebola or malaria to Belgium.
Imagine HIV-AIDS and cancer. Failure to report medical cases could be the mechanism behind which the deadly HIV/AIDS has spread worldwide, with no one finding an explanation for the spreading other than tourism. For this reason, the medical records of all are necessary, whether they are legal or illegal migrants.
For all these reasons, it is not in the interest of public health to have a parallel or informal health care system operating in the country, such as Red Cross Belgium.
I imagine that otherwise — if the medical records of the asylum seekers and the refugees are known — they would raise eyebrows in the Belgian health services, the press, and the politicians to learn that in a peaceful country like Belgium, there are young people from whom all their teeth are pulled, there are people who are treated for serious war injuries and who arrive at the hospital with bullets or explosive fragments still in their bodies, or they have breathed toxic gases, or they have been contaminated by biological weapons.
The Belgian Red Cross should also keep records of medical interventions as evidence of war crimes. I would like all the countries in the world to issue this rule on all the Red Cross agencies in their territories.
For example, doctors in Middelheim recently discovered during a general scan a bullet in the head of a Northern Irishman suffering from cancer. His name is Padraig O’Hanlon, a veteran of the North Irish Liberation Army (NILA). For clarification, he had been ambushed by the Provos, a terrorist group allegedly belonging to Roland Willemyns in Belfast, the victim tells me. It happened between 1970 and 1980.
Roland Willemyns is a Belgian and he was my Dutch Linguistics teacher at the VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). He gave me a zero when I asked him to repeat the oral exam question of which I had not heard all the words. The whole story is explained in “Instead of saying ‘we want your money’, they say ‘you’re a bad student”.
As Padraig O’Hanlon had been shot several times in the stomach while covering his mate’ s body, the assailants thought he was dead and left. He was the only survivor of the murderous ambush. He has been living with the bullet in his head for 40 years. He bears the evidence of war crimes in Northern Ireland presumably directed and financed by a Belgian university professor, most likely with student grants, like the money which was intended for my university education. For him to keep the money, he made the whole faculty believe that I was a bad student.
You will find the whole story in a letter to Her Excellency Theresa May, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, concerning “the victim of an ambush in Northern Ireland still has a bullet in his head to remove”.
The oncologists did not relate it to their patient’s involvement in a war that everyone thought was a local war between the Catholics and the Protestants, whereas it was a world war if you find Belgians and Luxembourgers killed in Northern Ireland.
None of this whole story would have been known if I had not taken interviews in advance to understand the phenomenon of Islamist terrorism, which — like the war in Northern Ireland — has nothing to do with religion.
Liberalization is imperative
The Belgian economy was 99% about systematic exclusion of the people. The inclusion of the health status of refugees in Belgium could radically change the health statistics of this country, such as the total number of people in need of medical assistance, the total number of disabled people, the total number of people with diabetes, and the total number of people infected with HIV-AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases — since the practice of sex does not require identity cards or any other documents. It is the only activity allowed in Belgium, without any control.
I therefore have many questions in this sense that should encourage the Belgian Ministry of Health to audit and investigate the Red Cross’ medical operations on its territory in order to know the exact number of victims and patients among the reugees, to help the Belgian Red Cross to bear the costs, and above all to avoid unfair competition in the market for health care for the undocumented people or people who have refugee status. This is a very important market that must be regulated.
For the time being, there is a form of domination of this market by the Red Cross only, hence the lack of transparency, in my opinion. However, nobody sees that there is a highly lucrative market with consumers and with supply and demand.
The plastic money and the recent prepaid credit card for the refugees at the asylum center of la Croix Rouge de Belgique in Tournai, are evidence of a presence of a market that they are trying to hide from the competition who are especially the countries of origin of migrants and refugees. So this is a commercial battle.
The supply and demand is “humanitarian aid”
For this to go unnoticed they are keeping the refugees undocumented for as long as possible, with fake identity papers like the orange identity card. That would be the reason why the answers on being granted asylum or not are kept suspended for as many years as possible. It is only to justify the need for humanitarian aid.
Though, asylum is granted easily for those who help “the system”, which is the war machine that helps populations flee their countries because of terror, such as the members of Islamic State, Daesh, Al Qaeda, Hamas, and splinter movements of the Taliban, for instance.
This “system” is the link between the wars and conflicts in the world and humanitarian aid. In other words: humanitarian aid is applied to the financing of the wars.
The time has come for all the governments in the world to regularize the humanitarian aid market and economy and to turn it into an official economy.
That is what Digital Unity (2007) and Speed of Light (2007) are about, and which I proposed to the Kingdom Foundation of His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed bin Talal in Saudi Arabia, in addition to the Vanilla Finance Card. External interferences with the funding application demanded that the request be sent to OCHA. I said “no to OCHA.
This may have eventually led to His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed to be arrested for the corruption of public funds, 10 years later, in November 2017. I provided elements to His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, that the Prince’s staff might bear a share of responsibility in the corruption with propositions that never reached Prince Alwaleed. I made sure his wife Her Royal Highness Princess Ameerah bint Aidan bin Nayef Al-Taweel Al-Otaibi knows about this too. The interference runs up to Belgium, and it was not me, because I said “no” to OCHA.
Any market has to be liberal, standardized. The liberalization of the healthcare market requires that the government relinquishes some control to the benefit of the businesses. It also requires local and international partnerships, and that the total contribution from immigration and asylum to GDP is known. That is what “diversity competence” and “made in Diversity label” were about, but few understood this and even fewer were prepared to finance this. Most investors kept financing the old post World War II structures such as the IMF, the World Bank, and even the United Nations Fund, which kept absolutely EVERYONE in the same position or worse, with loans.
A Restructuring of the Red Cross is Needed
The Belgian Red Cross has a very large number of partners in virtually all the sectors of the economy, without any evidence of existing beneficiaries of those partnerships, who are the refugees. Thus the Red Cross in Belgium will have to present a list with the names of the users of their corporate structures. The donors of the Red Cross will have to request proof of existing users with their names, date of birth and nationalities, or they ALL — the Red Cross, the partners of the Red Cross and the donors — will have to face audits for understanding what the partnerships are about if they are unable to tell us who the users are.
What I also find so deplorable about this entire Belgian Red Cross case is that the local Belgian population is simply not welcome at the Red Cross medical center, when they need it. They are obviously not the beneficiaries.
The question I’m asking myself is:
Why is the Belgian Red Cross so secretive about Clinique Verbist, the dental practice with which it works in a partnership?
I will get back to you with testimonials of others who were sent to this particular dental clinic in Saint Josse (Brussels).
Read also :
Changing the Version of a Book of Horrors That Truly Happened
The ultimate leader behind rape, genocide and the despicable sex trade is reportedly a WOMAN (in French) or The Guantanamo Conditions of the Asylum Seekers in Belgium
Was Madame Fatouma El Morabit (73) Killed by Health Workers or Not?
No matter how loud I scream like the Kivotian woman
Could the Belgian Court Answer Why Denise Janssens Was Assassinated, If Answering Who Did Is Risky?