Belgian Banker And Investors Drink Blood And Dump 10-Year-Old Girl In The Ourthe River
His Excellency Donald Trump, The President of the United States, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
On 12 February1988, Ms Paula Donckers and Mr Jos Delcroix were invited to a ceremony of Les Amis de Satan in La Roche, which is in the Ardennes in Belgium.
The couple would have used a different name for going to La Roche-en-Ardennes, which is inside their own country. Jos used the name François Verstappen and Paula used the name Petra Koënzen.
The Priestess who was going to lead the offering of a child is Miss Charlotte Nemours, who was 49 years. she reportedly lives officially in Marcourt (close to La Roche). She sent the invitations to what is considered a large group for this kind of event, and which counted 19 people in which more women than men were present.
The police should try to get hold of sample invitations to these kinds of ceremonies in which a group of people celebrate the slaughtering of a human being.
The victim was 10 years of age and an orphan. Only her first name is known, which is Francine. She was a french-speaking Belgian child which was staying at an orphanage. The orphanage could be responsible for bringing Francine to the Friends of Satan (in French Les Amis de Satan).
Les Amis de Satan have their helpers throughout the Belgian system, particularly in all the social institutions of this country, like the schools, the hospitals, the social housing service, the welfare (CPAS/OCMW), the health insurance agencies and in the prisons, in any social establishment where large numbers of people congregate like the youth clubs and non-profit organizations for the youth or the mothers like Flora in Borgerhout (Antwerp) where Miss Ina Valstar — a Friend of Satan — was working as a volunteer. That is how they find the victims for the offerings in Belgium. Ina Valstar lives on top of the premises of the Sheherazade Lounge, a night club similar to the Mawazine Lounge, a bar with the status of a kindergarten. Saida Mahmoudi is a 15-year-old Moroccan girl who was reportedly killed in the basement of the Sheherazade Lounge. The motive behind the killing could be the consumption of her blood.
But you too can spot the satanists by their outspoken characteristics. The individuals are highly negative, oppressive and conspiratorial in their behavior. Join our global research program about the economics of the Enemy (see end of article)
A child of 10 years yields about 3 liters of blood which was going to be shared by the 19 participants among which Paula Donckers and Jos Delcroix, in La Roche. It is said that it takes between 15 to 25 minutes to pass on the chalice and to finish the 3 liters of blood. The police should try to find out from Paula or Jacqueline de Croÿ how much blood a baby of 6 months can possibly yield.
Dossier for the Sovereigns of Belgium: In Malta, a 6 month old Belgian girl was sacrificed, and they drank her blood
The ceremony happened in the luxury property of Charlotte Nemours in La Roche. A normal ceremony takes about 45 minutes. If there were fewer people, then the chalice would pass faster. This time, the ceremony took longer, because the high priestess had mistakenly cut through the throat instead of the coronary artery of her victim which caused the blood to flow out at a much slower pace.
Francine was previously to the slaughtering anesthetized by two doctors who participated, because as many doctors in this country are also part of the Amis de Satan. One dossier which puts may put a direct link between the prostitution-slavery and the medical sector is, “Is UCL Saint-Luc is a university hospital or a hub for human trafficking?”
Thus, the doctors at the gathering in La Roche also drank the blood from an old and antique chalice from the Roman Times which can contain about 750 ml of fluid. I wonder if the participants did not feel anesthetized themselves after drinking the blood of someone who is heavily drugged not to feel the knive going over her throat.
There was Dr Hubert Couillet who is from Saint-Mère-Eglise. He was a neurologist and he would have suffocuted in his sleep in, 1999.
There was Dr Louis Laplante who is from Paris who was a gynecologist in Paris. He would have died in a car accident, also in Paris; in 1997. The name Laplante rings a bell, because between 1995 and 1997, when Miss Angela Shaw and I were building Glamour & Grunge Ski Club, there was a certain Patricia Laplante-Collins from Paris. She was the only one of the Black Women Europe Network who had joined us to Innsbrück. Patricia is a Afro-American woman from Atlanta. She could be the wife to Dr Louis Laplante.
Both Dr Couillet and Dr Laplante are colleagues and they were connected to the Red Cross in France and apparently also to the Hôpitaux Universitaires Pitié Salpêtrière in Paris, where they have worked together.
There was also Dr Matthias Neumuller, a doctor from Nürenberg in Germany. This doctor would be still alive and he would have worked in Mount Sinai hospital in Austin, where he would have seen Paula Donckers, under the false name of Katie Summers, when she injured herself on purpose to pretend that she was attacked, after stabbing to death Tamara Harper, in December 1989.
In La Roche where Dr Matthias Neumuller would have participated in the drinking of the blood, he would have definitely seen the same woman was calling herself Petra Koënzen. I am not sure if the Austin Police will still think that she stabbed to death Tamara Harper and that she injured a by-stander out of self-defense, if they interrogate Dr Matthias Neumuller.
HE President Donald Trump: New Elements In Murder Of Tamara Harper in December 1989, in Austin — Tx
There were two Americans who participated: there was an american priest named Father Jim Kelly from Tennessee, he was a half white and half black from the baptist Church. He would have received from Jos Delcroix and Paula Donckers — I mean from François Verstappen and Petre Koënzen — a few bottles of wine during his visit in La Roche. He would have drank wine which was not good. He died in 1990 of a poisoning in Minneapolis, while visiting his friends.
He was accompanied by another american who worked for Chrysler-GM, his name is George Templeton, who was from Orlando. He was a pilot of a sports plane, he died in a aircrash together with two of his friends in 1990
The next day, very late around 22 H 30 they got rid of the body of little Francine by dumping it in the Ourthe (a river which runs through La Roche). They were four to do the dumping.
At this grim operation, there was the priestess Charlotte Nemours herself, the two doctors, and Jos Delcroix. They wrapped the body up in a cloth or in a plastic bag, and they hung heavy weights to sink the body as low as possible in the river.
Charlotte was an international banker with Credit Agricole and the World Bank/IMF. She started as an economic adviser and she ended in the board of directors.
She was very often traveling to Washington in the USA. She was investing money in the NY Stock Exchange and in the Paris Stock Exchange. She became a shareholder of Budweiser, Heineken. Ferrero , Rowntree, Roche (Roche-Posay), Dassault, and Lancôme. Charlotte Nemours was also a shareholder of Le Figaro, a big French newspaper.
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“Murder On The Midnight Express” Is Not A Fantasy
died in 1998, at age 59 in her home in La Roche (possibly where the ceremony took place). She was found drowned in the bathtub. One of her staff had noticed suitcases as Miss Nemours was preparing to travel, on the day of her death. There is no indication that she would have committed a suicide and the chances of an accident in her batch are unlikely.
Suspicions exist that she was drowned by one of her butlers. The suspicions weigh on the butler named Philippe Beauséjour; who was a Frenchman from Bayeux in Normandy. He was 33 years of age, and he was fairly new in Charlotte Nemours’ household. He was working for her for 9 months, when Charlotte died. He vanished totally immediately after the death of Charlotte. This is what made some people in the direct environment of Charlotte believe that he may have assassinated the woman and left.
Perhaps he was commissionned to kill his employer for somebody who wants to get hold of Miss Nemours’ entire investment portfolio, to cash in with the forged shares and to keep the real papers which they can use as “a donation to a foundation” from somebody outside Europe and the United States, and to accuse Charlotte Nemours of holding falsified shares, because since she is dead, she can’t defend herself.
HE Sergey Lavrov: Did Russia lose Tons of Gold? (scroll to read letter — Voir plus bas pour le Français)
The name of the secretary of Charlotte Nemours is Geneviève Champbleux. She is French and she is originally from Saint Moritz. She was 24 years of age in 1988. She is still alive and living in France and retreating in Côte d’Azur. She is now around 60 years of age.
Charlotte Nemours had a sister name Suzanne Nemours who lives in Cannes, in France. Technically she is entitled to inherit Charlotte’s stocks and shares, and nobody else, in my humble view.
This story was an eye-opener for me as someone who has been investigating the World Bank since 2011, when an investigation to track down how the concept documents which I sent to ArcelorMittal and the Kingdom Foundation for building a network of innovation centers. had been spread all over the world starting from the government of Wallonia.
My search resulted in the discovery of infoDev, a department from the World Bank. That is where all my work has gone to during all these years, and I am explaining this in the investment opportunity document named “Tearing Down the infoDev Empire”, and later in “Too Big to Save”, the fate that awaits the World Bank.
Now I found a clue on how it works precisely. Now I understand where Crown Entrprises was getting the funds from for buying up very large square meters of real estate for warehousing, factories and for large office buildings in the USA and for paying to spread hate speech and shootings. The US government was donating the money to World Bank, the IMF, the Red Cross, United Nations and the like, which are listed in my letter to His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, about “The Rulers of the Financial System”.
The World Bank ultimately revolves around making us all worthless and defenseless for making the drinking of our blood easy to do, just like the the 10-year-old Francine. These monsters have become “stock investors”. This is why it must be viewed as part of a war engine, and never as a bank!
For His Excellency Antonio Guterres: When Drinking Blood of Humans Is Not Considered as Cannibalism
Join our global research program about the economics of the Enemy.
May I request the United States of America to request from Belgium the extradition of their citizen named Katie Summers as quickly as possible? Many thanks in advance.
Thank you for your time and cooperation.
Yours sincerely,